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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2013 23:55 Title: Chapter 1

Very well execute as always, Archer trying to set a better example for everybody, Reed worrying about if it dairy.

Then the way something as simple as blueberry can have multiple meaning. Interesting film night choices, and yes you do wonder how these films and Alan Turing poor treatment will be viewed in the 22nd Century? A good IDIC story.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

I wanted to continue these guys' story. I like to think people will appreciate Turing even more in the future.


Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2013 18:25 Title: Chapter 1

Awww! I loves it. What a nice tale, too; it's a great representation of a cross-section of our society without needing a hammer to get the point across. And Frank is perfectly wonderful for offering to reach out to Lili like that; it's a sweet little thing that doesn't bring Hayes back, but commemorates and memorializes in a very human way.

And, of course, I'll bet the movies provoked some absolutely fascinating discussions amongst the watchers, too. I mean, by a century and some later, I can only imagine how they would look, you know?

Author's Response:

They must look odd - after all, HIV is cured (God, I hope so)! The Boys in the Band would look even stranger - they would, I presume, wonder about all the self-loathing. I might write the audience reactions at some point. 

I wanted Frank to be, he's kind of a big lug, but he's just a sweetheart, deep down. He can't bring Hayes back and he can't really do much, but if he fills that little gap in her life with something as small as that, it's a kindness that's easy to do. Plus he's trying to do something little for Dave which shows he cares but without making a huge deal out of it.

I also wanted there to be a standardized week for celebrating diversity. A kind of Gay Pride Week but even more than that, because eventually it would also celebrate multiple and open marriages, and human-alien unions. Turing's birthday in the same week as Stonewall was a surreptitious find.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

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