Date: 10 Dec 2013 06:19 Title: Chapter 1
Oh, my God. How did I miss this when you first posted it? This is, like, perfection. I love how they know he's a clever customer and they'll have to outwit him, and I love that they know JUST how to do it and are willing to sacrifice a bit to make it happen. And I love that this is a callback to the RR and the plastic glasses. So much win. Love it.
Author's Response: ::beams:: Thanks. It was ridiculously fun to write them.
Date: 19 Sep 2013 23:00 Title: Chapter 1
Well, that was an interesting, light-hearted romp. I haven't gotten around to reading Kestrel yet. This just bumped it onto my 'to read' list.
Hopefully this is not McGregor's modus operandi--the getting trashed out of his mind, I mean. I'd hate to think of what would happen to Kestrel should they stumble upon real Romulans with the ship's captain in such a state. ;-)
Dunno, maybe Molly and Eddie deserve commendations--seems to me it would be ideal to have shatter-proof glasses on all ships of the line, for a myriad of reasons. ;-)
Date: 24 Aug 2013 01:37 Title: Chapter 1
Ah, clever!
But can't he just drink out of someone else's glass?
The more I read McGregor, the more memorable he is. And the more I'd hate working under him, I think. Well done.
Author's Response: Oh, he probably could. But first he would have to figure out that his glasses aren't real. Then he would have to figure out that any new one he replicates also isn't and THEN he would either remove the custom coding or buy new ones off ship, and chances are he would not be sharing someone else's if he's in the throwing mood. Thanks! I would be either very willing or very un depending on the day.
Date: 20 Aug 2013 22:34 Title: Chapter 1
With all of McGregor's antics, it's good to see him getting his comeuppances for once. And also that it is Molly who gets a piece of him for a change. Her execution here may be slightly unorthodox but she is completely justified.
Well done (Molly).
Author's Response: She absolutely was. Love McGregor as much as I do, he needed to pay for that one. Having had stuff thrown at my head, that was one I was more than happy to write Molls dealing with, and if it made Kev grin, all the better!
Date: 20 Aug 2013 01:52 Title: Chapter 1
He He,
That so nicely done, I thought Molly wouldn't be one to let that go. Well done on the characters All of them seem perfectly in character.
Make me smile like all good Kestrel stories.
Author's Response: I had figured someone needed to address that bad habit and who better? Thanks! The real genius is Kev, I just have fun with 'em.
Date: 19 Aug 2013 17:34 Title: Chapter 1
I was just randomly poking around and found this and liked the title of it, so I dove in. Might need to read up on the actual story...ok, no I definitely need to, might be the next thing I read now that I'm done with Gibraltar...but I think I caught the gist of what was going on.
I loved the way the two played to McGregor's vice to trick him. Romulan Ale though, and good ale too, ouch. I almost wonder if Molly didn't intentionally, shall we say, "improve" the stuff before hand. Pretty funny, pretty awesome way to not only get back at him, but to also keep safe around him without inflicting harm on him in the same way he had to them. Really cool, and a nice little diversion from the craziness I had been reading!
Author's Response: They play to a few of his vices there; his own ego being the best one. XD Thank you. And yes, absolutely read Kestrel; it's a brilliant story and a ton of fun, and also the cast is amazing. Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it.