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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2020 03:58 Title: Critically Altered

Great jump start James Bond style open - straight to the action and then backup into the context.


I tried to read your other story, Fear and Loathing, but while it shows more than 10K words to the story, it also shows 0 chapters and I cannot navigate to see any of the story. When I attempted to leave a review to alert you to that, the system came back with an irresolvable SQL Error.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Thanks for letting me know, and I'm glad you liked the start of Flames. I am going to finish it at some point, I swear.

Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 26 May 2016 15:59 Title: Critically Altered

I cannot BELIEVE that I am actually the first one to give you a review on this! It's absolutely terrific! I always thought of Data as cute to look at and very likeable, but not so much as a hot guy. Now, however, I begin to understand why some women think he's sexy. It starts with the same things that make Spock sexy. Both are beings who are possessed of much raw physical power, but are habitually gentle. Throw in Data's adorable innocence and he's absolutely irresistible. Or would be. If I wasn't already in love with Spock and his incredible ass. So please, you gotta finish this! What's gonna happen to Naseema? Are they gonna get married and live happily ever after? Or is she gonna die and leave Data heartbroken forever? Please, don't leave me hanging!

Author's Response: I know it's been four years since you left this review but thanks so much! I am going to finish it at some point. It's been a struggle.

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