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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 May 2014 20:36 Title: Chapter 1

Aw, that's a sweet ending. I know you write Scotty as often being on a hair trigger, and McCoy certainly wasn't helping things here. And - despite what Scotty says - getting off-ship is a good thing for him. If nothing else, he should interact with different people and breathe air that is not recycled. But be that as it may, it makes for a good look into both of their inner workings. McCoy, interested when the subject turns to something he can relate to (and royally pissed off when he realizes he's been had - again), and Scotty able to get done what he wants done and also convince McCoy of the rightness of his own actions.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Sep 2013 23:35 Title: Chapter 1

McCoy and Scotty an interesting TOS combination, both of them feel in character and they interactions ring true for me. Did like the almost friends lines. I think Scotty trick to get abnormal readings from the system, so he can get back on board is true to Scotty mindset, plus the very good reasons like bar fights with Klingons and the whole jack the ripper episode references felt nature and not forced in.

Coffee Marker is all engineering and the fact that Scotty can’t rest on his laurels but has to make a better one seem so true the man.

Solid story that I enjoy reading.

Author's Response: Thank you! This was one of my earlier pieces and I'm glad it's held up well.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jul 2013 18:10 Title: Chapter 1

McCoy and Scotty make for an interesting pair. They're both in the fixing business, but that's not necessarily bringing them closer together, especially since they have wildly different views on how to spend shore leave. I liked Scotty's point about things never working out well for him when he leaves the ship. Poor guy can't catch a break.

For all their differences there apparently is one magically powerful substance that can bring them together: Fresh coffee.

Great little story of two unlikely (almost) friends.

Author's Response: Thanks! It was... I think the third or fourth story I'd ever written for Trek, so I'm glad it holds up!

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