Reviews For A Misstep
Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2013 23:02 Title: Chapter 1
Date: 08 Dec 2013 23:02 Title: Chapter 1
Nice job, trekfan. This smacked of realism, and of the insecurities we as women experience as we have children, grow older, and know that no matter how hard we work, we won't have the same body our teenage self had.
But I like Hank's response here - yes, he can still be attracted to the physical beauty of another (hell, he isn't dead), but what he shares with Bethany transcends that, in spades. People who are only together based on physical attraction alone seldom survive the long haul. Good to know that won't be the outcome for Hank and Bethany.