Reviews For Jitters
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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2013 04:29 Title: Chapter 1

A lot deeper than it looks on the initial surface, this one. Hank's anxiety's gotta be tied to the crap he's suffered, because it certainly reads deeper than just that initial missed time. Especially Hank, who's so big hearted and warm that it's next to impossible to imagine him on his own wedding day. But they pull it out, in the end; the reminder of what and who they are is deftly done, and I'm really damn happy for them.

Author's Response:

Yes, Hank's anxiousness is tied to what happened between him and Maria. As we see in the piece that follows this in the timeline, that anxiety is finally put to rest by Bethany, who's such a pro at knowing what he needs to hear and when. Hank on his wedding day is certainly a grand thing to imagine, but I don't have much in the way of experience with weddings, but response has been favorable towards this so I guess I did all right. Thanks for the review. :)

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