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Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2014 09:06 Title: Chapter 1

Random story time! Loved this! I was trying hard not to laugh too loudly and wake the house up. Love Corry and Scotty, and the brotherly scenes throughout. Not just the fight at the end, but Scotty coaching Corry through the cooking. Loved it!

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2013 19:52 Title: Chapter 1

With a title like this, I knew this was going to be fun and I was not disappointed. There isn't much that is more dangerous, within a home, than learning how to cook. Yeah, I speak of painful experience. Things here could've been a lot worse.

The only thing that startled me a bit here was that Corry was referred to as Andy by Abbie. Maybe I missed something.

Now I'm off to make my own grilled cheese sandwich. No, seriously, that made me hungry. And yes, I shall use a spatula. Safety first.

Author's Response: The whole Corry vs. Andy thing is whose point of view it's written from. Scotty thinks of him as Corry, Abby (who will be his wife) knows him as Andy. Corry himself answers to both, but thinks of himself mostly as Corry. Since they were two different POVs, that was why the jump. <3 Sorry it was confusing, but I'm really glad you liked it! I can, indeed, flip on in the pan like Scotty can, but aye, safety first. Thanks so much!

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2013 21:38 Title: Chapter 1

That was great, Steff!  Lots of levity - let's face it, I'm with Abby here - they ARE idiots, sometimes - but the underlying love and affection shone through like a lighthouse beacon in a thick fog.  Great, great character study of the three of them, in a humorous setting that just made it so much fun to read.  Like 'Magnanimous,' this is one of your light-hearted pieces that will stick with me. ;-)

Author's Response: Thanks! They really are occasionally. It is one of their more entertaining aspects. I'm glad you liked it!

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