Date: 29 Jul 2013 22:26 Title: Chapter 1
Bookending this story with the storm and thunder was sheer brilliance. A metaphor for the emotions each man was feeling: Scotty, grieving and yet not wanting to grieve. And by doing so allowing for a sense of forgiveness for past transgressions, and yet not wanting to forgive. Lost somewhere in between the two. Reeling. Drowning.
Cor: Mad as hell, because Cait had hurt Scotty in life, and was now doing so in death. Wanting to rip that hurt out by the roots; fling it aside and crush the life out of it. Ensure that it wouldn't hold sway over his friend ever again. Wanting to be that life preserver that his friend would cling to, and focus on, that would help Scotty survive this, on so many levels.
That's the beauty of your pieces - none of these things were ever said with words, yet that's the feelings they evoke nonetheless.
Author's Response: Thank you. <3 This one was work to write, even for its length, because... I guess because it's so honest. Because it's love and pain and grief. I really appreciate the feedback on it.
Date: 20 Jul 2013 17:33 Title: Chapter 1
Wow like a coffee cappuccino short and bitter but so enjoyable afterwards, the more you read of the pair the more you know they've become brothers in all ways.
The use of the poem at the start, along with the finally image of the rolling thunder to close the chapter did the job well to put their worlds back in order.
Author's Response: It's actually a song lyric, but a very apt one. And thank you. They're not quite back to rights at the end of it, alas, it takes a good while to deal with it all, but they're both trying and that's what matters.
Date: 15 Jul 2013 01:22 Title: Chapter 1
Grief can be an extremely complex emotion, more so when it's mixed with anger or disappointment or a thousand other issues and problems we may have had with the departed. To see, elliptically, that Cait (same name as Chief Barry, no coincidence in your writing, I am certain) was a less than optimal parent makes it even harder.
Scotty can and should express and feel grief. Even a monster of a mother is still a wellspring for one's existence. But that does not excuse everything, of course. He's allowed to feel what he feels, but with him doing his best not to feel anything, that's probably not so healthy.
It's up to Corry to try to yank that out of him. And at the same time, being far from objective, professional or removed, Corry's got his own issues and his own anger at the deceased. He may be insisting on a reaction, but it's tearing at him, too.
Powerful transitions, for both of them, really.
Author's Response: I don't remember how Cait Scott got her name, exactly, because it was years and years ago, but I don't think it was intentional. Though, it is a fascinating thing, regardless. And yes, Scotty's a huge mess right now. Forty-Eight covers a chunk of the reasons why; if only I could finish it. Corry's a mess, too. Thank you. This is one of the most raw, open moments I've written in... heck, a very long time.