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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jul 2013 08:27 Title: It Must Be Raindrops, Part II: The Last Goodbye

This was very moving, and I liked the bookends with the song lyrics. Amanda would have had to know how to read the love her men had for her, and the song describes that really well. But my favorite was the Kirk-Spock scene, with them standing out on the rocks, and Spock not afraid to tell Jim what had happened. That was especially poignant.

Author's Response: I'm glad it came across the way I intended it to. Although it does seem to me to be pretty much typical them.

Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jul 2013 08:06 Title: It Must Be Raindrops

That seems like an uncharactertistic gesture for Sarek, but I can see his grief for Amanda moving him to reach out in a way he would know she'd approve. You do a good job of exploring T'Mei's grief in such a short space, and I love the rain as a metaphor and release. Nicely done!

Author's Response: Partly because he didn't trust himself to talk either. But since this part was written from T'mei's POV and she didn't know that, it wasn't in the story.

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