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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2010 21:23 Title: Chapter Nine - Part One

Crikey, I kinda feel a growing sense of unease and I certainly feel more than a little scared. The surprise of the Shentarian appearance is more than a little ominous, particularly in light of their change of tactics. Perhaps the Cats were acting a little cocky or thinking they had an easy target. I've a feeling that there is a lot more going on and taking the decision to come to an all stop has to be one scary ass decision to take. But the tachyon bursts? What the heck is that about?

I've also been duped by the wonderful warm and fuzzy start as we got Dryden reflecting on becoming XO. That was conveyed wonderfully and it made me proud for him and of Beth that he'd view it so. Then of course we switch to battle mode and the armour donning Captain with a twist - or should that be a plat?!

Also excellent way to convey the sense of the ships working in tandem. Something difficult to get across on the page and not managed really to any success on TV, if say one took the various large battles portrayed in DS9. Kudos.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Dec 2009 15:33 Title: Chapter Two - Part Two

Sorry it has been so long since I continued this story, but I plan to try and catch up over the next few days.
This was a really nice little chapter, showing Deanna at her best, working hard to help her fellow counsellor, while giving us further glimpses into Beth and her father's relationship.
I'm also intrigued as to these mysterious attacks and look forward to finding out more.
Good work!

Author's Response: Thanks CS! There's a lot of tale, so take your time!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2009 01:28 Title: Interlude X

Ok so you already own my soul. Where should I send my bank details? Just ... just wow. A fabulous wonderful chapter. From Captain Leonoard's thoughtfulness, to Hrath [I love Kzinti and Caitians] and Janeway, to the new smell, to the pilot eyes, to McGregor getting command, to the mention of Brint and his self same words, to the bridge, to the chair, to Jean-Luc's letter and to the perfect moment. To the perfect moment and chapter indeed.

Author's Response: Wow - I have to admit, this was one of my favorite pieces to write. I needed to give Beth her homecoming. I needed to give the reader what I always thought was missing from some of the Trek films - seeing that connection between captain and ship. I didn't need to write the actual launching ceremony - I needed to write that personal side of things...that moment when Beth and the 1701-G are married so to speak. There's a scene in "Starship Mine" from TNG when Picard has just a few seconds alone on the me it's one of the most powerful moments in the show. I just moved from that perspective. Again, I am most honored by your comments.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2009 01:11 Title: Chapter Eight - Part Two

Ah Teri! You own my soul with this chapter. Well either you or Beth. For I just loved it. I've always loved the lower decks perspective and this is just so spot on, sweet reading goodness. Apart from Beth again impressing me in her role, and the rather unorthodox chillout methods, asteroid racing, Sex Pistols on high, she is just such a warm and open person. I want to copy and paste this whole scene, rename Beth to McGregor and put it into my story. Only he wouldn't nearly be so fuzzy and warm! Don't worry I won't. But boys oh I love it.

Author's Response: It was important for me to show the reader she's a pilot first. It goes to that "fighter pilot mentality" that she shares with the Cat Captains. And what an amazing compliment! While your McGregor isn't "fuzzy and warm" he still has that heart!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2009 00:00 Title: Chapter Eight - Part One

Hee hee. Love the idea of calling herself a Titanese. Part of that comes from pride in her homestead and part in her whole mindset and view of living life on a ship. If ever what happened to Janeway in 'Basics' happened to Beth - grounded planetside with her ship taken away and no way of returning to it or space I think then she might crack. But it also speaks of a Captain's heart - as I know my McGregor talks of his crew as his 'kestrels'. So it is the affinity with the ship that calls to her soul. That and the warm and loving atmosphere created by Riker and valued by Beth in her commands. Makes for a wonderful ahppy reading and it makes for a rumbling hungry belly.

Author's Response: OM - You know, I've never seen that episode but I can tell you Beth would definitely crack. Further along in the books you'll see that Beth can't tolerate real gravity very well at all. She's more than happy to let Dryden take ALL the away missions so she can stay on her ship. The Academy experience was made worse for her because she was planet side. But she never considered herself a planetary being simply because she never was one. Her home has always been in space. And with a bunch of people who cooked. He he.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2009 22:29 Title: Interlude IX

Woah! Talk about playing on a father's fears. That must have been a truly awful moment for Riker to walk in and see his daughters about to be assimilated. However, I love the danger and risk the girls went to - it seems the very thing savvy Federation brats would get up to - especially the resourcing of the program.

Oh but what a foreboding omen - an interlude with mention of the Reman Thraiin with Cassidy's ability to lie to her father, Beth unable to read her, her mother's schism with her. I guess it is all a portent to what is coming down the line. Very good Teri! Again you continue to impress with the scope of this family drama.

I  guess with the adage that doctors make the worst patients counsellors likewise make for the worst seekign help and guidance. Troi comes across as very belligerient about Cassidy's condition. It strikes me as maddening that Deanna should react so but it is the nature of mothers to want to fix things in their children not because they believe the children to be broken or at fault but because they feel they the parents are at fault and have failed the child in some way. It makes for a gripping read seeing Deanna struggle with this but as gripping as it is it is also very hard to read Cassidy's struggle with her mother and the discomfort it makes her feel. Then there are just two particular lines that strike:

Not even Beth's secret ability to hear everyone's thoughts through other Betazoids enabled her to hear or feel her sister. She was a flat as a piece of paper to her. No depth, no feeling, no structure.

It part sums up the difficult relationship that will come to frame their relationship as Beth is sideblinded by Cassidy's defection. That and her talent for lying already - even to her father - makes this quite sad and terrifying for some of the reprecussions it will entail.

Beth also thought Cassidy may have only been capable of three emotions…joy, sadness and anger. They were the only emotions she ever seemed to see from her. When Cassidy smiled or was happy, the whole universe seemed to be in alignment. Her joy was infectious and the family would feel whole, cohesive. But when Cassidy was angry or sad, the whole universe felt like it would fall apart and no one in the family was happy. It tore at the fabric that held them together…and that fabric always tore right at the seam between Cassidy and their mother.

The manner in which this paragraph speaks of familial ties and how up and down they can be depending on persons and circumstances is so true and so heartbreaking for that reality. More so in light of knowing how fractured Cassidy's act makes the family. Then there's the thought that Cass can only feel joy, sadness and anger. Although, Beth can't read that and so far as a reader we can't be sure otherwise, we know Beth is still very astute and perhaps her reading of her sister's mood and emotional state might well be well near to the mark. It also makes the character of Cass so much more enthralling as she is something of an enigma at present and a blank slate that is a mystery demanding explanation and exploration. Oh this is really beginning to make me itch for Cass! And so far you've painted her in good and bad colours so we empathise with the character and yet know the pain she has caused to Beth and her family. Beautiful work. Great construction. Terrific writing and characters. Lots of other praise Teri.

Author's Response: MF - I'm very glad you liked this scene. It really is the first time the reader gets to hear anything substantial about Cass. It's hard to think that Deanna would treat her child w/anything but love - and she NEVER does. So I'm glad you were able to see her as a mother who would do anything to give her child the treatment for a "birth defect." I am approaching this purely from a standpoint that Cassidy is known to be missing one of her "senses" which Deanna knows she's "supposed to have" because of the genetic marker. Add to it the fact that Deanna can't sense her own daughter and it's more than just disconcerting. If Cassidy were born deaf - Will would likely pursue treatment to correct that physical trait - just like parents in the now do by surgically altering their children with cochlear implants. Now - as for the holodeck thing? This scene was DIRECTLY caused by a conversation about the video game Call of Duty. The first-person shooter game in France and Berlin - well, it must be weird for a WWII vet to see a young child playing a game that was a horrific experience for him. Could you imagine if some game maker decided to make a "realistic" Vietnam game? All hell would break loose. Beth and Cassidy aren't doing anything but playing a game - Riker just happened to have lived through the real thing...

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2009 22:01 Title: Chapter Seven

Hee hee. What a glorious chapter. Now I see why my earlier remark about too many cooks hinted at something more. Terrific humour and joy encapsulated in this scene. The Chateaux Picard vintage in particular hitting home for Riker. A very thoughtful act on Picard's part as not to be unexpected.

Quite a few traditions are being kept alive by Beth. She is forged very much in the new - wide tastes in food, more exotic aliens to many in the Federation are like family and childhood friends to her - and yet she is firm in her beliefs to keep certain traditions from the Titan alive, she comes with a strong and vibrant bond with the Cats crews and brings their team mentality to the table,  and  she wants to forge new traditions and a team mentality aboard her command. She continues to impress. As does her author.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 21:30 Title: Interlude VIII

That is one compelling scene. Fromt he deathbed perpective accounts and the details of the Shentarian attacks - all engrossing and horrifying. Just brilliant writing to carry across so much and create a sense of fear, horror, carnage without expending lots of energy showing it. Quite a treat to read writing like that.

And of course, carpet pulling opinions on Q from nice guy in the previous to a bit of a horror in this in how he treats Beth. Terrifying. As is Beth's ability to navigate his ways and means. One smart and sassy and brave lady.

Author's Response: Thanks MF. That's a very nice compliment. Lio is a wonderful POV for me to use at times in order to evoke violence without necessarily having to show it in action. (I can't stand violent tv or movies and can only nominally tolerate it in books. I'm just one of those people who prefers to have it happen "off camera". And yeah - Q is Q after all. A big, lovable, benevolent, evil bastard.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 21:17 Title: Interlude VII

A wonderful heart rendering yet uplifting scene Terilynn. Very effectively you told the tale of Beth at her lowest possible point and the avenue she contemplated to avert it. I didn't think it was in her to contemplate such a move - but then that's the nature of suicide - all too often it is unexpected and the person unsuspected. Still the chpater opened very clearly putting Beth in a time and place at her lowest point, with all her buttons pressed in the negative. Isolated from family and with no seeming sucess in sight or prospect of learning new things and exploring new worlds. After all, growing up with her extended family was all the Starfleet training she needed. The Academy in many ways wouldn't have presented many obstacles except then those of her own making and those that came then from Cassidy's betrayal. [Oh I can't wait for Cassidy!]

But an absolute fantastic scene with Beth and Q. beth's natural curiousity intriguing, fascinating and impressing Q. No mean feat. And Q in some ways must revel Beth's company thereafter for these attributes but also the refreshing change in her approach to him. That's why Janeway continued to intrigue him because her reaction was similar and yet different to Jean-Luc's. Beth's reaction all the more so then. Which is of course something of a curse too. Still it shows Q as a good guy - his motives not altioghether clear either but nevertheless he does do something good in reminding Beth of her purpose. Terrific. Absolutely.

Author's Response: I HAD to write this scene for the exact reasons you outlined above. Cassidy's defection literally guts her family for awhile - none of them are too sure how to even react to each other any more and those relationships don't really heal until after Lwaxana calls them on their crap before she dies. You also have to understand where I believe Q is coming from. If you read "The Interview" that I did which delves into Q's first encounter with humanity - namely Archer, you'll get an idea of from what point I come from. This was an idea that was also touched upon by KRA DeCandido in the Q&A novel and I ADORE the idea. Q doesn't necessarily interfere with the growth of the UFP, but he leaves the breadcrumbs so-to-speak and there are a select few he knows are actually capable of following the trail. Beth just happens to be the next in line after Janeway. The Continuum NEEDS them to evolve because they can't evolve without them. :) Yes - Beth's reactions to Q are directly influenced by Janeway. :) And thanks.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 20:34 Title: Chapter Six - Part Two

Must be damned frustrating to be apart after so long waiting to get together. Talk about missed chances. And it must be terribly tempting to just beam over! Urgh. But nice scene between the two that neatly conveys some of the long and wrangled road they've walked over the years. The path of true love never runs smooth. And it seems Shaughessy can atest to that statement too. Poor him. Though check out the hook up thread on the forums for some suggestions if he doesn't work things out.

Now, as I should have said in the last review, some damming and intriguing evidence found. Five identical planets?! Hmph! Somehting smells rotten. And speaking of speaking of smells. A clever crew working out the similarities and a means of overcoming one aspect of any attack. So our ghosts may just be hiding in plain sight! Bold on their part - even with technologically advanced cloaks. Where is this going to end up? At least the opening of communication channels might mean new information might be learned from the Romulans. A great weave of a tale - character interaction and a mystery to boot.

Author's Response: Beth and Tristan came to this story rather unexpectedly to tell the truth. :) As far as the ghosties? They be sneaky bastages.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 20:06 Title: Chapter Six - Part One

An understatement indeed. Ha! Loved this interaction between Worf and Beth debating over Q. Worf tended to get quite animated when it came to the matter of the Romulans and to Q. An alliance with the Romulans perhaps will temper his thinking on one score but I doubt anything will temper his thinking on the Q front. A very fiery meeting between the two. Their relationship with each other is not strained by the excvange of differences either. Which is heartening to read. You further intrigue as to Q and Beth's special relationship and just why she is so willing to 'trust' Q. But again, with Jean-Luc as mentor, atop wahtever experience at the Academy, Beth would have learned that there was more to Q and that his motives are not always cruel. A further fascinating and fantastic chapter.

Author's Response: Hee hee! NOTHING will temper Worf's view on Q. It's impossible for Worf to trust him! And since I can see from your other reviews what it is about Q that Beth appreciates I'll address that in those reviews.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 19:45 Title: Inspiration

Oh I imagine it was a bit of an adventure.alright. A sort of Curious George in space! Hee hee.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 19:43 Title: Inspiration

Well your personal point must have fed the emotional thrust of this scene - simple and understated but very powerful Teri. And yes, although ENT has many detractors it really did forge ahead in its attempt to flesh out more of the species we held already dear to our hearts. And it has to be said, I am considering off some ENT love I've seen on OS and from reading your character of Brint introducing an Andorian as captain to my next project - failing that I need one at least on the Kestrel!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2009 15:31 Title: Interlude VI

Gosh a beautiful little scene. Wonderfully evocotive of Andor and a touching scene with Beth retrieving the gragment from the Enterprise. Very nicely touch. The author has a deft touch like her heroine.

Author's Response: Wow - thanks MF...this interlude was one of the first scene's I actually wrote when I began writing Heritage. I really enjoyed some of the information we were able to get from the Enterprise series, and anything more about Andorians thrills me. Shran is one of my favorite characters and when he started to talk about the Wall of Heroes my mind went crazy...and it's precisely why I chose and Andorian to the CO of the self-sacrificial 1701-F. Such a proud people would surely have taken true pride in one of their own finally commanding the Enterprise...and Brint's death would have been considered a devastating tragedy to the entire planet. And for Beth? Well...he was her uncle after all and a war hero. My uncle served in Vietnam and earned a Silver Star. If asked...I would take a part of him to the Vietnam that's where I placed myself mentally when I wrote this scene. :) Thanks again.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2009 15:27 Title: Chapter Five - Part Five

And now Cardassians and well with Ambassador Tuvok Vulcans too. With such a mix it is a testament ot the efforts of the Rikers to forge peace among the Aplha Quadrant powers but it also means that old emnities and bitternesses can linger and may cause any sort of strife before the Ghosts can even play a role in derailing things. A combustive mix but one gearing for the future.

Author's Response: That remains to be seen - will they go at each others throats when the Ghosts appear? :) Or will they only cement the pursued alliance? ....

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2009 15:22 Title: Chapter Five - Part Four

Aw Teri! You make Worf seem so fuzzy and cute. Mind his entrance was very forbibbing. Ha! Beth deftly greets her dignatories and things could indeed become very complicated. Nice scene and intro for Worf. Yay!

Author's Response: Worf, IMHO is a walking teddy bear with fierce teeth. Don't get me wrong, he's a real warrior through and through, but it's his heart that gives him the strength to be so. I see him as being, perhaps, the second-most influential person in the Riker children's lives. Beth is certainly influenced by him - maybe moreso than Bill or Cass...So - when he appears in my stories - he's formidable, gruff and an absolute love - because that's exactly how Beth sees him. :)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2009 15:00 Title: Chapter Five - Part Three

For someone who states she isn't to good at delivering a pep talk Beth gave a rather stirring and rousing speech there. Just the sort needed heading into the treacherous waters they are headed into. Great stuff. Again, more nice moments about her childhood and I like the notion of Beth having orders reiterated to her father so he might get the point. Hee hee.

Author's Response: Yeah - the one thing I couldn't do was really separate the familial relationship between Beth and Riker. He may be her superior officers - but she's still his daughter. And she's already been through the ringer so much about her family, she kind of doesn't care any more. It's actually part of the reason she surrounds herself with people who's parents are also in the service. She doesn't have to explain herself to them. When she makes a comment to Dryden about Riker, she KNOWS he'll know EXACTLY where she's coming from because his mother's an admiral too. Yeah - the little snippet about Riker taking Beth out on a "jaunt"? I loved that. One day I might actually sit down and write a story to flesh that tidbit out.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Nov 2009 16:29 Title: Inspiration

Now I'm intrigued as to what happens! Hmmm ... thinking Riker might be in the kitchen at least as you've shown him to be inclined to cook, but who else? *Headscratches*

Author's Response: You'll see. :D

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Nov 2009 00:02 Title: Chapter Five - Part Two

Like Riker the camraderie is impressive and astounding to see but it did feel warm and real. Nice emotional touches to end the scene - loved the coy approach of Beth and McGregor at the start with their little tryst at the end but most especially loved Shaugessy's interruption at the end! Hee hee.


Now the signing of the treaty really looks like it could be a hazard pay job. Things really won't go smoothly. And my thoughts are confirmed that the Romulans were involved in an alliance with this Ghost species but the extent to which thye sold their souls for the technology is frightening. Like Beth maybe we should look upon the advances in the Romulan culture to move beyond the willingness to adhere to the alliance but it seems there may be a high price indeed for abandoning it. Fantastic stuff and the stakes are raised big time.

Author's Response: The one character trait I always thought was missing from certain "sects" of Starfleet officers was that "team" mentality - or something more like the "fighter pilot" mentality. This group of officers were combat trained from the moment they entered the Red Squad and the television show never really touched on them because they were necessarily focused on the singular starship captains. As far as the story is concerned...thanks for the compliments and I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as the story begins to unfold from here. :)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Nov 2009 23:47 Title: Chapter Five - Part One

So an alliance it is. But it seems with so many dignatories on board it may be a case of too many eggs in one basket or too many chefs in the kitchen. There is a huge potential for trouble. And the mystery of the ghost species remains as ever frustrating. Where is this going?

Author's Response: Too many chefs in the kitchen - you have no idea how funny I found this statement considering what happens later on in the story....

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2009 01:45 Title: Interlude V

Hee hee. What a delightful scene. And it really is heartwarming to see jean-Luc have an adopted family not by politeness extended by an XO but a true friend inviting him into his family. Big hug to Riker for extending that to the man, especially after the losses of Robert and son in Generations. Picard was left with truly no family of his own. So it is wonderful to see him happy. But crikey, Beth is a clever one. Even from this age. Phew.

Author's Response: *grins* This scene was borne of discussions between some friends and family about my 4 yr old nephew. He JUST TURNED four. He reads, he types on the computer and surfs the net. He knows how to type websites to get to the Thomas the Train videos on YouTube or Handy Manny on the Disney site. I have no doubt in three years he'll be able to literally reprogram anything. It's just a fact of growing up with the using that idea - this is simply nothing more than Beth growing up with the technology. It's just simple games to her. :)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2009 01:28 Title: Chapter Four - Part Four

Hee hee. Such an approach to Q might be the best. Cool scene with the lab and of course a little exposition on Beth's upbringing too - more details fleshing out this great charcter even more. And a little Sherlock Holmes mystery to solve to boot. A heck of a jigsaw.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2009 01:24 Title: Chapter Four - Part Three

And the coffee drinking from Janeway. Even Beth sees where she pools her talents from. She does show a remarkable talent and foresight. Hmmm. What does this little trip from Q mean though? Lots of gears working away in my head.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2009 00:42 Title: Chapter Four - Part Two

Aw shucks some romance thrown in for good measure. That was about all the story was missing. That said, the ainful reality of what Beth endured must be hard for mother and father but at least Riker sees it now as confirmation of how good Beth is. Of course, the only charge against all of this is the fact Beth is being set up as the best of the best. Which means she'll have to really prove herself to the readers [no pressure Teri] and not just get by on pot-luck alone. And for an honest moment I was out of the story as I reflected on how great Beth is perceived, you know the worry of a Mary Sue character and all round hero. But then I reminded myself that the captain of the Enterprise has to be regarded among the best of the best and join the cadre of Archer, Pike, Kirk, Harriman, Garret, Picard, Brint. And considering that she grew up under the mentorship of Brint and Picard she had first class training for her future command - almost a destiny. So I ws back and fully engrossed in the tale.

Author's Response: I'll tell ya...It's HARD to write a female captain of the Enterprise where Mary Sue isn't a HUGE concern. Every time I wrote a scene, I would, in the back of my mind - switch the character to being a man and NOT related to Riker, just to see if it could pass muster. You really struck the one point though - to be CO of the flagship, there HAS to be something rather - well - superhuman. Archer, Kirk, Spock, Harriman, Garrison, Picard, Brint...seriously - the most heroic of heroes. Beth had to live up to that and I think that she was just smart enough to use every single advantage presented to her. Faults? Kirk, (not many really, womanizing? Maybe but I'm not sure that was a fault.) Spock? Faults? Many being too reliant on logic at times. Picard? not many...Borg influence maybe - but his real heroic stuff comes from overcoming those I hope you may see when Beth has to face this new species...Again..thanks SO MUCH for the comments!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2009 00:30 Title: Chapter Four- Part One

Wonderful little atmosphere and scene created here. A little cheer and good humour before things go south I suppose. Me thinks I am right about a new Federation member. Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.

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