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Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Jan 2010 10:00 Title: Chapter Two - Part Four

Wow, what a touching moment! Love the fact that Riker's words are the dedication for this Enterprise, a fitting reminder of his legacy!
Great stuff!

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Jan 2010 09:42 Title: Chapter Two - Part Three

Hi! Sorry for the delay, I hope to be able to catch up on some more of this over the next few days.
Wow, an interesting chapter here. I'm intrigued by the apparent timing of these attacks and the way they correspond to important treaties. Of course, that begs the same question as Riker - why now?
The interaction between Beth and the doctor was well done, especially when he is trying to find out whether she has sensed his less professional thoughts about her!
I already like the two captains of the other ships, and look forward to seeing how they will play together.
Excellent work, really well written!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 01:16 Title: EPILOGUE

Aw. That was just the nicest thing ever. To remember Marcia like that. her gesture struck way back in those chapters and its just so rewarding to see her acknowledged. It is the simple act of writing sentiments and touches like that, that make this a terrific, heartwarming, heartwrenching, powerful, soaring, inspiring and glorious read of a story.

Brilliant construction of plot, chapters, characters. the backwards and forwards of the interludes, the pieces building up the picture of discovery. All truly wnderful and masterful. This is just a massively brilliant story. Don't think I'm over using it. It really is just so good. Thank you for a terrific read and fascinating universe, characters and story. Thank you.

Author's Response: Wow! So glad you enjoyed it MF. Your feedback has been a true bright spot in the last few weeks and I'm very honored you read it. Thank you.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 01:11 Title: Chapter Fifteen

A hell of a one of a kind! Brilliant. Off to explore! yay.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 01:06 Title: Chapter Fourteen

Well Teri you can celebrate a 100 reviews for the story and I can celebrate McGregor's safe return!! Fab stuff. You punch your readers in the gut and then you pull a rotten stunt like this! Huh! Well ok I forgive you.

Oh but the Jaguar and ole Brian. [Looks like neither Molly or Judy will get a date with him] Brilliant stuff. I know I keep saying it. But it keeps being true.

Oh and Q decides now to show up! Hmph! That won't exactly endear him. But the trial continues but the tradition it seems has been broken.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 01:00 Title: Interlude XVII

Aw ... and then you go and break my heart again. Though I have a secret wish now. The adventure as they say is never over ... but so sad and tender.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 00:58 Title: Chapter Thirteen - Part Three

Damn you Teri! Damn you and curse you.

That was ... well shattering! An awesome battle ... and then Cass lording it over Beth ... and then horror at the Whale ... and then the Panther and Jaguar ... just wow and heartrenching stuff. You know how to punch your readers in the gut. That's for sure.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 00:45 Title: Chapter Thirteen - Part Two

Hee hee fabulous! Great action sequence and all from the seats on the bridge. Fab! I do wonder what the Rokelh make of the combat - albeit in their name - but also the pleasure/camraderie it breeds in the time of crisis. And Beth has gotten her wedding gift. The Thraiin will fight but it still remains to be seen. And also remaining to be seen is what the Shent have behind the fourth system!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 00:35 Title: Chapter Thirteen - Part One

By the way I should have said thanks for troubling my heart by having Deanna go away. As if there isn't enough angst and drama you're puttign her in danger with no Riker or Beth there to save her. And with such a large cast it means to say that anyone can go the way of the Dodo. I have a feeling things are about to get very, very frentic and dangerous. Love the parallels in Riker/Troi and Beth/Tristian and the lessons Beth has learned. Taking her seat with the inhibitor and taking onboard the feelings and emotions of those around her, we see how far she has come.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 00:22 Title: Interlude XVI

Oh! Way to throw a curve ball. Destiny? So there  might be more to Cass' resignation than first appears? I have an inkling. Just an inkling. But I'll remain tigh-lipped for now. But if so wow. Regardless, heck mystery.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 00:16 Title: Chapter Twelve - Part Two

Well, well, well. At least Beth is facing up to what she was shuttign out and denying. I wonder has she passed Q's test. Certainly the first hurdle. But who knows with him. Still it seems like she has a plan and playing her hand. But she doesn't yet realise that one of the players at the table includes her sister. The Thraiin might specifically have called in Cass in order to assist in handling Daddy and Mammy with the Romulans and Remans. Getting sis into the bargain might not have been what Cass catered for, nor do I think the Thraiin believed that Cass would end up in command. So how will this play out? Damn.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 23:51 Title: Chapter Twelve - Part One

Damn it! You set us for it. We know she loves him and couldn't say no. But you let us know she knows of the curse and how almost valid it is. Damn fine writing. That's plotting and structure and a masterclass in how to tell a story.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 23:43 Title: Interlude XV

The Curse! Agh! And Aw when Brint said the last bit! Kinda true - and if so somewhat ominous for Beth. But Beth is maybe going to be the Break with Tradition. And as for Picard, it seems he has plans afoot. Kirk warned him that retirement wouldn't take.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 23:36 Title: Interlude XIV

Coming full circle in ways. Back to the Shent and where it all  began. What I love is how you convey the tragedy of the situation and how First Contact must have played out so disastrously. Brill.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 23:25 Title: Chapter Eleven - Part Three

Well Beth can certainly paint a bleak, if not accurate, picture for all gathered. The stakes are high indeed! Thrilling. Oh and what a fascinating species you have created here. An unusual and different means of trying to communicate. [Mind still trying to figure out how Cass managed in all of this? Ho hum] Really a top notch job here.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 22:55 Title: Chapter Eleven - Part Two

Well looks like Beth is gonna beat herself up over the deaths but hey she would. That's who our girl is. Sweet though the moment with McGregor and her.Now as to the Romulans and the Remans. Wow! It is somehting else. No wonder you're not going to take in the new movie history. If what appears to be the case here, Romulan history has been a criminal misunderstanding and unneccessary horror. No need for that to happen too! Brilliant interaction and confusion galore.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 22:45 Title: Chapter Eleven - Part One

Ok so a more thorough review of that chapter would be - OMG - Cass! So DID not expect that! You are certainly twisty Teri! Twisty, twisty, twisty. And I have a horrid feeling that you are merely giving us one little glimpse of her. But boys oh boys what an - well I'm gonna use intriguing but it doesn't cut mustard or truly encapsulate what I want to say- intriguing glimpse. As is whatever Cass has learned. And then there's the stuff to do with a key and something tells me Jean-Luc has a larger part to play in her story. OMG Teri. Just OMG.

Then the whole scenario on the Enterprise. Woah! Intense scenes and Beth has to take some big steps there to learn what she has from the aliens and then trusting in Priest despite their rocky start.

Tuvok rocked. Want more of him. Then we have the Doctor taking orders from Priest and they didn't exactly get on. Lots of symmetry and finishing of the circle going on here. Solid, solid writing.

Then the revelatation, still kept from us but hinted all the same, at the end that is promising to be earth shattering. I'm thinking that this could cause a lot of trouble between the Reman and Romulan understandings. Damn the timing. Though it might help heal matters. But I basically don't know what to think. Flippin' heck.

Oh and there's more coming!! Eek!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 22:35 Title: Chapter Eleven - Part One


Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 18:44 Title: Interlude XIII

Fantastic flashback. A mosaic of pieces all building towards a picture. Giving us the moment Beth struggled with and the horror of comprehending what the command might actually mean somewaht parallels what is happening with Beth on the verge of holding a key to communicating with these aliens. But all that is secondary when I read Riker's loss of hope at meeeting Cass and being almost killed by her. It is heartbreaking to think of it. Deanna with her won issues and division from Cass could perhaps accept the betrayal easier. However, for Riker not so, a father's love and faith and hope in his children would persist until he can no longer hold up that hope. Crushing really.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 18:31 Title: Chapter Ten - Part Three

Thraiin! Crikey, I'm expecting the kitchen sink. Everything is being thrown in here. Mind you it amounts to a dramatic culmination of events rather than over the top nonsense. It means an added layer of complication and trouble though. Great stuff. Also going back to Jerbin and Isasile at this juncture and for the reveal is just a top notch choice and detail.

The Captain's ordeal is painful enough without it becoming tenfold with the Betazoid in the room with her. It goes to show the brilliance of the crafting to the story and I can only imagine the pain it must cause Deanna herself to know how own part in increasing the suffering. Also to see Riker losing his cool - normally he controls his composure, especially after years of working with Picard - is new and different and means the stakes are high indeed. Obviously, they are when it means his daughter is in possible danger.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 18:21 Title: Chapter Ten - Part Two

The crew and the VIPs are all gearing up for action and it is good to see what is happening elsewhere on the ship. The Remans slowly reveal more of themselves and quite intriguing, something one wouldn't say from the film with them in it. This is nice to see. Also to see how underestimated their skills are.

I like the perspective from Elieth. Nice to see the drama unfold from the POV of a Vulcan. Likewise seeing things from Deanna's point is also terrific to see. We don't ever see much of her. Never utilised very well but she spot on the perfect chice to use as a feeder into the VIP room action.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 18:12 Title: Chapter Ten - Part One

After the build up to their appearance the hype did not disappoint. That was an intense and scary scene with Beth and other captains at the mercy of this strange power. The images are truly frightening and no wonder Beth is ready to believe that they do indeen intend harm.

But she fights through it and then discovers that The Shent are behind the horrors. Crikey a turn of events and puts everything on its head. We see now some reason for the Shent peculiar behaviour in the previous instalments and can hope that the Reman and Romulan offerings lived a peaceful and happy life until the Shent.

Just one little concern ... the Ghosts are feeding the images to Beth - that doesn't mean they are neccessarily the truth. What if they are genuinely bad guys with an ulterior motive to cause trouble once more between the Federation and the Shent. Excuse my suspicions, but with this fine writing and the fact Q is on the scene nothing can be said to be straightforward.

Specatular events and the story reaches a fever pitch point.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2010 17:54 Title: Interlude XII

Damn Beth is impressive. Quite a magnanimous decision taken by her to not rat on the Professor. The proper decision and a hard one to make. It is very commendable. Though maybe she knew how things would play out. She might also have been bluffing and inherited her father's poker skills.

Author's Response: I think you nailed it...Beth wasn't sure that J'Nil would pick up on her intentions and it was a BIG risk for her, she truly thought she'd be expelled.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2010 21:47 Title: Interlude XI

Aw! Mike! Totally didn't comprehend that was Llewellyn! How perfectly sweet and I just love Beth's reaction to his wanting to work on making the ship work rather than being the captain! Ha! Sometimes she is a very open and pluralistic person, the epitome of the Federation ideal of shared universe of multicultural sharing and benefit and then she can't comprehend why someone does share her desire to be a captain. No wonder she and Bill fought.

Author's Response: I am so thrilled you picked up on that...Beth really does strive to be as Federation as you can get - but she gets bogged down a lot, due to her own blinders. Those blinders play right into the climax of this story. So great that you picked up on that when you read this...squee - you made my day!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2010 21:35 Title: Chapter Nine - Part Two

Oh Shentarians showing up, Tachyon bursts leading them into the only possible route, being followed by a cleverly cloaked vessel possibly Ghost alien in and of itself and all the while heading into the Lion's Den. Yup, that's when Q would show up. Damn, your chapters leave a person hanging as well as punching the guts of the reader. Some more warm and wonderful exchanges to open and then the soccer punch ending. Damn fine writing and reading.

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