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Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Sep 2009 15:32 Title: Prologue I

Wow! What a prologue. Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Aug 2009 23:21 Title: EPILOGUE

Wow.  I just got done reading the entire story--and it's truly amazing not just in its own right, but in getting to see all of the different layers of symbolism you wove into Beth and Dukat's vision in the Multiverse RR.  I knew there had to be a lot going on there--but

I also see now just how much it required from her to allow her full telepathic potential to come to light in the RR.  Something tells me she must have only just begun coming to peace with that part of herself at the point when she was taken.  I really hope that unlike with Cassidy, for her to receive a diagnosis and develop a better understanding of why her telepathic capabilities act the way they do will help her to accept her Betazoid heritage: it's not a curse--it just doesn't follow the usual ground rules.

And with Cassidy--dang, I can't tell if she reminds me more of Khan or canon Dukat!  It almost seems like a combination of the two to me--hellbent on revenge on one end, and on a one-woman crusade, convinced that all the evil things she's doing are "right."  It seems like Dukat's brand of self-delusion.  That is an EXTREMELY dangerous combination, that's for sure.

Now I definitely enjoyed the plot and seeing where Beth's relationship with Q comes from...and I'm sure you've had a lot of comments on those.

So instead, here are a few "small" things I really enjoyed seeing, that may or may not have been pointed out.

I really loved how you showed the world leaders--as well as the Enterprise crew--as ordinary beings underneath their titles and offices.  To imagine the Reman ambassador in a cook's apron and the Romulan Praetor cracking a genitalia!

I also REALLY loved that you had Tristan survive instead of going the "obvious" dark route and killing him as is so common in a lot of popular works these days.  Mind you, I enjoyed nuBsG, but not every work has to be like that.

I also enjoyed seeing how easily Beth adapted herself to the different cultures she dealt with--it made perfect sense, and what was also nice was that it didn't come off as some kind of PC whack over the head, which is so common these days.

The other thing I definitely liked was seeing Cardassia evidently in a capable position and able to offer meaningful assistance against the Shentarians without having to worry about leaving their worlds vulnerable.  One of my favorite descriptions in the book was the way you described the Cardassian President.  He cut quite the handsome, regal figure!

Which raised an interesting question for me--I wonder, do your Cardassians still practice mental reflection?  And what would the telepaths in your stories think of a species that does so deliberately?

Also, I really thought that was interesting how you laid out the ethics of the use of telepathy.  I presume the rules differ when dealing with those non-telepathic species that lack the abiilty to reflect intrusions?

Author's Response: Nerys! I'm just so glad you enjoyed it! I will address a couple of things. I was seriously going to kill Tristan off and save Brian. I planned that from the moment I began writing. But something (Tristan himself likely) kicked me in the shin right when the scene was being written and I realized I didn't want to write about another Starfleet Captain who had lost his/her love. Kirk was married and she died. Picard was unlucky in love - always having women taken from him due to duty. Sisko's wife was killed and Kassidy Yates defected. Janeway lost her love when Voyager was lost and Archer...while he loved another Captain - they simply didn't have time together to make the relationship seem permanent. So I switched it on myself. Cassidy - not known for being anything but a troublemaker would have been all too happy to steal more Federation technology, and a whole ship would have been a feather in her cap. But, in being a snake, she accidentally saves her sister's fiancee. The second thing to address is your questions about Cardassians. It was VERY important for me to make Cardassians an ally. I see Cardassia akin to Germany in WWII allegorical tales so it was natural for me to make them an ally 33 years later. The President appears in Book Two just so you know. ;) Also about telepathy. Beth is very sensitive about the issue because she's actually had telepathy used against her - by her own brother. It wasn't like rape, it was just a horrific violation of her privacy. (Again, it's addressed in Book Two.) I still see Cardassians using mental reflection. I also see most Betazoids deferring to it as a matter of politeness in that they would never pry. I think that Betazoids would respect any species that reflects. Remans? In the world I've created here - MOST Remans would respect that reflection, but a lot would not and wouldn't care much for those who practiced it. As you will see in Book Two. :)

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jun 2009 23:05 Title: Chapter Three - Part Five

Well, that was an interesting way to handle Q. A long way from how Picard, Sisko and Janeway dealt with his meddling.
It helps, of course, that they are already so accustomed to each other. This is going to make for a very unique relationship.

Author's Response: *Smile* The relationship between Beth and Q is MUCH different from the relationship between Q and her elders. It's touched upon several times in this book. Hope you're enjoying so far. Thank you for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: Kraylose Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2009 01:43 Title: Inspiration

I love this story. The daughter of Riker and Troi commanding the Enterprise, priceless.

Would love to see a sequel someday.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2009 21:02 Title: Chapter Two - Part One

Always wondered who counsels the counselors.

Enya (she doesn't sing, does she?) clearly has still much to learn about her craft. Well she couldn't have hoped for a better mentor than Deanna.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 14 May 2009 19:10 Title: Chapter One - Part Four

A lot of back-story in this chapter but it turns out it's all incredibly relevant.

Beth's revelation is world shaking for her parents. She's basically been hiding a serious disability from them for all her life.

It be interesting to see how she manages to perform her duties as a starship captain with such a potentially distracting handicap.

Also interesting, as far as I can remember Deanna wasn't much for telepathic communications herself when she was on the Enterprise-D. Clearly that has changed.

Author's Response: Deanna has empathic children. I think I mention that Deanna recalled being put off by Lwaxana's own preference to speak telepathically so Deanna's much more patient...she's also much older. The episode "Menage a Troi" is one where I base Deanna's increased comfort level with her own Betazoid skills...she saw Beth's rejection of those abilities as more than just being annoyed - she saw them as a rejection of her own heritage...something Deanna herself had to overcome really. Not the least of which...Cassidy was born without the ability - so for Beth to reject them was difficult for Deanna. Bill however - he has no issues with it. At all. :) You will see that there is an AWFUL LOT of backstory in this book...but it's also serving as the jumping off point for three more books - hence the need for the detail and the history. I can't thank you enough for reading!

Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 May 2009 20:39 Title: Chapter One - Part Two

He didn't know? Had no clue his daugher was the captain of the Enterprise. That made me smirk big time.


Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 May 2009 11:13 Title: Chapter One - Part One

Just started to read this and I like it quite a bit so far.

Usually I'm not much for 'future' story-lines but the writing here is so crisp and the characters so interesting that this has drawn me right in.

You've clearly created quite a detailed history of your new future complete with dangerous new enemies and a much more diverse Federation.

I especially like Beth so far. And the other crew members also sound quite interesting with plenty of potential for conflict.

Looking forward to explore more of this bold new future.

Author's Response: Cejay! Thanks so much. This is a HUGE project...I promise you it's worth taking your time with. :)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2009 14:12 Title: Chapter One - Part One

Great introduction to the Enterprise crew and its captain. Beth seems to be a conflicted character, warring between two different extremes. An explorer on the one hand but a skilled warrior on the other. Again we see Picard's influences and it seems only too right that the children of Riker and Troi would indeed have a healthy dose of respect for the man. Neat touch with the Number One tag too.

It appears we are indeed in for a treat with a rich and diverse crew. This too is to be expected set in the further future as it is. But Klingons working side by side with Romulans and with Cardassians too mentioned. This should make for some interesting personal dramas.

No wonder Beth has need for an XO like Dryden. I like how she sees the qualities in him that she feels she needs to balance her own flaws. Quite enlightened and very smart of Beth.

Then there's K-reeg! With her father and Picard as influences hardly surprising that she chose a Klingon as her security guy. His respect for Beth is intriguing as is his view of her as a warrior. Something that Beth probably doesn't rest with easily at the smae time.

Also a very interesting political backdrop being painted. i wonder where this is headed. Very good.

Author's Response: Beth was raised by two diplomats that knew how to fight. She ended up needing to fight before she honed her diplomatic skills. She's not an idiot, she's just brusque and her patience wore thin during the war she's been fighting. Dryden is the opposite to her, more like her parents...I see Beth and Paul as being the flip-side of Riker and Jean-Luc Picard. The one thing that I really love about Beth is that she took everything she learned as a child and uses it to her advantage. Her loved ones imparted an enormous amount of wisdom to her and she uses it, MOST of the time to great effect.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2009 12:50 Title: Prologue II

Nice scene setting. I imagined very vividly Bill hunkered down in the dirt excavating. Nice too the little details about the culture he was trying to puzzle out. It adds to the whole and makes us appreciate Bill as someone who has care for his work and intelligience. Also, a nice touch about how Jean-Luc would have loved this. We catch a glimpse of where Bill found his inspiration for his line of work. It was also neat to see his reaction to the call from the Panther. It shows his relationship with Beth is a strong one and he has obvious for her.

It is an interesting opening point to the story. it helps to frame the story in personal relationships and within a strong family circle, with the concern for Beth, the note of worry about Mom and Dad. I can see one reason why 'Heritage' is the title and theme to the book.

Well written imagery and reaction from the charcters we are just introduced to. But I also have to commend you for the desciption of Gordon. An interesting person indeed. Hopefully, this is a sign of the inventiveness and imagery of the entirity of the book. I have a feeling it is.

Author's Response: Choblik were created by Martin & Mandels for the Titan books. I love the species and decided to pay homage to their creativity by using the species in my books as well. I also make reference to several characters they created for the Titan books, including Dr. Ree - who was the CMO and resembles a Terran velociraptor. Gordon makes an appearance in the second book, but another Choblik assigned to Beth's ship will get an appearance MUCH further into this book. Bill and Beth had a tumultuous relationship in their late's touched on in this book but dealt with a little more in Book Two. And...yes, Jean-Luc had an amazing amount of influence on all the children. They all consider him their grandfather, not Kyle.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2009 12:39 Title: Prologue I

Oh! That's a way to open a book. Nice hook.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:12 Title: EPILOGUE

Excellent novel. I was heartbroken over Brian's end, but I suppose that it was likely going to have to involve some miserable sacrifice to gain peace. Best to go out bravely. But the whole tale was very well-woven, especially after it picked up pace, and had a very fitting ending. Beth getting to do what Starfleet was, perhaps, really meant to do in the first place. The first generation of the Enterprise crew would find that entirely fitting.

Really, you did a fabulous job with this.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:11 Title: Chapter Thirteen - Part Three

Oh, wow. Cassidy! Is it bad that I'm not quuuiiiiite sure who to root for? I kinda have a thing for underdogs. But awesome battle scene.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:10 Title: Chapter Thirteen - Part One

Yet more excellent work. I really feel for Cassidy; her story definitely has me intrigued. The battle up ahead sure does to. Great stuff, Terilynn! Really, it is.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:09 Title: Chapter Twelve - Part Two

More excellent reading -- go Tristan! Man, after revisiting the Mirror stuff, this was a welcome moment of brightness. I liked how the crews are still working together, and Beth's realization of the diversity of the Federation is absolutely ace. I got a good laugh at the notion that they had a pool going for that long to see how long until Tristan proposed, and that everyone knew that fast, too. Darling stuff.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:07 Title: Interlude XV

All caught up so far. I really like how things are turning out with the newly christened Protectors; a truly unique alien species, too! Definitely what Trek should be about -- exploration. The camaraderies are still good, too; this last bit of the flashbacks had me laughing. Nice work, and I'll be keeping an eye out for more!

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:06 Title: Chapter Eleven - Part Two

Wow. What a ride so far; incredible stuff. The new species, the diagnosing of Beth -- intense stuff.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:05 Title: Interlude XIII

Well, I am still here and still enthralled enough to read as you post these. No small feat. I really love how things are sort of playing out with Beth trying to communicate with this new species, and all of the leadup to that realization. Nicely tied together. The flashbacks continue to be intriguing, too.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:05 Title: Chapter Ten - Part One

::bawls:: Don't just leave me hanging there...!

Seriously, Terilynn, this is really good stuff. I don't even traditionally read TNG fic, and I'm reading this pretty much as you post it.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:02 Title: Interlude XII

Little Mike is very cute. Just thought I'd say that.

You're right about the plot picking up! I read it in rapt fascination; I can't wait to see how things are playing out with the copy-cat planets and the mysterious head-noise bothering Beth. Q's appearance added a bit of an edge to the whole thing too. Beth pwning that dickweed at the Academy was great stuff, too.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:01 Title: Interlude X

Copied from the OS...

Caught up! I was also glad to see more of Cass. For what little I have seen of her, she strikes me as someone who really has suffered, either because of her own internal demons, or because of the family issues, or maybe something of both. The whole thing is good -- this reads more like a soap opera, kind of episodic. (NOT A BAD SOAP OPERA!) Just in the way you're looking at the plot through more close-to-home snippets.

I'm really looking forward to seeing more.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2009 16:33 Title: Interlude VII

Lots of excellent flash-backing here. Beth and Q's scenes were great, and the supporting cast still interesting. I'm starting to really itch for answers; what is revealed about the ghosts wets the appetite even more, especially with the political connections.

Author's Response: Thanks for bringing these over from the OS Steff - :)

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2009 16:32 Title: Interlude V

I really like the Cat captains. You're right, the 'lone ranger' approach is kind of overdone, especially since human beings are social critters (well, most of them!) and need to have some feel of community or family to feel secure. Tristan's neat, though we haven't seen much of him yet; still, the interactions across the board are terrific. I love the easy camaraderie going on. It's well done; you do get the sense that those folks from a pride.

Beth continues to be a good character, and the intrigue is building on the events surrounding her sister. It's some good stuff! I'm glad you're posting it in order.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2009 16:31 Title: Interlude IV

All right, if I'm interrupting your posting, I apologize. ;-) But since I'm off here in a few, I figured I'd comment before I go while it's all fresh in my head (been reading as you've posted these).

The appearance of Q was unexpected, but not a bad thing; I like that he's become common enough that he no longer gets much more than a 'Huh' from Beth. Makes me curious about the Academy backstory. Her trials in the academy, as you told them, were very telling -- it further removes her from being too perfect and makes her more real yet. She had little choice but to go well above and beyond what was expected just to buck off the family name and stand on her own.

The flashbacks to the battle are powerful, to say the least. This last chapter here I'm posting after especially.

Nice work!

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2009 16:30 Title: Chapter Three - Part Two

I'm really warming up to Beth now; initially, she seemed just a little too perfect, but as time goes on she becomes much more real and much more understandable. Her supporting cast of OCs are really great too, and I like that you've been giving them some time in the spotlight. The situation with the ghosts is fascinating, to say the least -- that really got my interest and attention right there, and now this meeting going on has me genuinely curious to see what's coming next.

Now that the pace has picked up, this is really becoming a great, fun read. I've always been a fan of the TOS era primarily, but between you and trekfan, you're making me go back and revisit the TNG era more closely.

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