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Reviewer: M C Pehrson Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2014 00:17 Title: Christine's Nightmare

Well written. I'm glad things didn't turn out that far as we know. At least not in my series! My Christine becomes very bitter when Spock marries one of her medical colleagues, but no suicide yet. 

Author's Response: Thanks. Since it sounds like you like stories about these two (or at least about Spock), it might interest you (And all the other S/C.C. fans out there) to know that I am working on a series that centers on them. Very happy stuff. Nothing posted yet, though.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Sep 2013 23:59 Title: Christine's Nightmare

Yes Christine Nightmare how hard it must be to love someone who can’t or won’t acknowledge that feeling is indeed mutual. You do write Christine Chapel well and the use of Janice Rand as her room mate/best friend helps to mirror those unsaid feelings. It might just only have been a dream about Christine not so secret love for Spock. You’ve still made the scenes feel truthful to life and the characters, the dream Spock death note, of the heart with Christine name in it is a sweet final gesture by Spock. I do like how you restore reality with a shower scene and Janice banging on the door for her turn in the shower.

PS Nice re-wording on whiskey Lullaby to fit the story.

Author's Response: Thanks. It just suddenly occurred to me one day when I was listening to the song that being so hopelessly in love with Spock for so long could very possibly send her into exactly that kind of a downward spiral, and after that, this story just kind of wrote itself.

Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jul 2013 08:33 Title: Christine's Nightmare

Wow, what a scary dream! I love how intense you make Christine's feelings for Spock, and how you hint that he eventually comes around. Both beautiful and sad, and somehow hopeful, too.

Author's Response: Thank you. I think the rewrite of "Whiskey Lullabye" makes it especially poingnant.

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