Date: 26 May 2015 13:02 Title: Chapter 1
/georgetakei/ Oh myyyyyyy. /georgetakei/
Well, admittedly, slash isn't really my thing, particularly K/S slash. Then again, the moment I "saw" this Kirk's blue yes, I knew we were in the Alternate Reality, and I can at least see the potential there.
A technical recommendation: I'd try to make it more clear as to who said the first line. It took me some time to figure it out.
Aside from all that, this was a cute moment. Imagining Quinto's Spock drunk on chocolate is amusing. I imagine he'll regret this completely in the morning, and the fact that nuKirk neither seems to realize this nor care is why I can't get behind their friendship so far in the nuVerse. And all of that is before we've even considered what Uhura's reaction is going to be. Cheating is bad enough, but with Kirk?! I'm picturing an angry communications officer wielding a frying pan, which is weird because I doubt she keeps one on board.
Maybe Sulu will let her borrow his sword.
Author's Response: I really appreciate your review! I'm glad you liked the story. Well, one thing I'll say in Spock's defense is that this story is working under the assumption that Spock and Uhura are not together when this is happening. Spock's not the sort to cheat, and especially not on someone like Uhura (especially an Uhura with some kind of hurtful device)! XDD Thank you again for the review!