Date: 28 May 2013 20:21 Title: Chapter 1
A very freaky read. The switching point of views I think only added to the horror of the MU in comparison to the Prime as we are tricked into a moment of thinking one Troi is actually the other given some of the benign way the senteces/scenes start until you land us with the little mini rug pulls from under our feet. And how perfect to see that in the TNG MU it is Troi who is who so evil and domineering and people using in her ambitions, cultivating fear and sexual partners to further her schemes. I rather sense that at some point she and Data in league are going to try and over throw Picard's command of the ship. I wonder might that spur a sequel follow up to this piece.
Date: 26 May 2013 18:51 Title: Chapter 1
The back and forth can be a little confusing to read, although I'm not sure how to improve that. Using Deanna Troi versus Troi is helpful - maybe just Deanna instead of the full name for the Prime Universe version?
The interplay is good, and MU Troi makes a lot of sense - use people, chew them up and spit them out when you're bored with them. Is she Picard's bedmate, too? It does make one wonder.
Date: 26 May 2013 07:18 Title: Chapter 1
This was extremely disorienting to read, but I get what you were doing with it. An interesting look at two different realities for Deanna. Definitely squicked by Mirror Data!