Date: 21 May 2013 06:20 Title: Forrest
Heartbreaking and touching and painfully real.
Author's Response:
Thank you kindly.
Date: 21 May 2013 01:38 Title: Forrest
Oh, that poor little dear. The irrationality of childhood grief. Nicely done.
Author's Response:
Thanks. Yep. How can an eight-year-old process and come to grips with something like that?
Date: 20 May 2013 23:05 Title: Forrest
To find someone to blame is such a futile thing but it seems to be such a natural thing to do. To apportion blame would help to make sense of it, to explain the how and why of it that happened. How lost, bereft and puzzled and pain McCoy must be to think to put blame on his father. That he should blame a rock, a constant in his life when so much that was once certain has been dashed, swallowed whole and dragged under. His life lesson hits hard. And sadly, what do we even learn from such things.
Author's Response:
I agree, but eight-year-olds don't rationalize things like we do. At this point, Len's father is becoming more absorbed in his work and less present for his family. Len didn't only lose his best friend that day, but the man who had become his surrogate father, too. Almost too much for any child to bear...
Date: 20 May 2013 22:58 Title: Forrest
Oh wow, poor Bones. That had to be a traumatic and shocking event, and you could feel his anger and sorrow in every word he said. Well done, LBD. Really gave a heart-wrenching glimpse into the young life of one of our favorite guys.
Author's Response:
Thanks, trekfan. Unfortunately, things are gonna get worse before they get better.
Date: 20 May 2013 22:53 Title: Forrest
Oh, that's a harsh thing, to feel someone is to blame - somebody must be! And if God is ruled out, then ....
And of course this sets up conflict, and conflicted feelings, and Leonard's own push to go into service, not only in the medical profession, but in Starfleet itself.
Great, as always; very believable.
Author's Response:
Thanks, jespah. I fear this is only one of many trials in Leonard's young life, but I think it's these negative things that thrust the compassionate side of his personality to the fore.
Date: 20 May 2013 22:49 Title: Forrest
Wow. Very well acquitted! I could feel his anger, filtered through childhood, and it was definitely powerful. And the bone of contention with his Dad, too, which may or may not become quite a running theme in his life from this age.
I shall add you to the reservist list, since it was posted a day late. Keep writing!
Author's Response:
Thanks, and thanks for the inspiration. Sadly, the exact format I wanted didn't gel until after the deadline last night, and while I did have something written I wasn't happy with it, and don't like to throw stuff out there just to meet a deadline. I'm much happier with it as it is now, and am just glad I got a piece out there I can be proud of, whether it makes the cut or not. :)