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Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Dec 2015 22:24 Title: Chapter 1

Oh yeah, and I see your girl being played by Claudia Black. (AERYN Sun from Farscape)

Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Dec 2015 22:20 Title: Chapter 2

I'm liking this so far. When do I get to read more?

Funny thing is, I might not have read this at all, except you hooked me with the comparison to Robin Hood. I'm kind of into Robin Hood.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jul 2013 17:35 Title: Chapter 2

Good little interplay with the nameless human prisoner, who seems not only odd but maybe a little unhinged. The stiletto, the throw (and the miss! Good; characters shouldn't score a direct hit every time) and the distraction are something, but I get the feeling they're going to add up to more trouble for Aeryn.

Plus Sela's unhappy about being reassigned, and seems to feel that it's beneath her. I wonder when and how their paths will cross?

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jul 2013 17:30 Title: Chapter 1

Aeryn's got every reason to be vigilant but, as you wrote in the last line (which is a very good line, I might add), an interrogation, even one that comes with a beating, can be an occasion for a prisoner to gain his or her own intel. And at least she's not alone, and she is with her own people in her cell. It would be far worse if she were kept separate.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2013 01:39 Title: Chapter 1

On the OS I think I've commented on your love and your wonderful renditions of Romulans. So excited to see you writing some here on Ad Astra. I love the little touches of language and cultural details just sparringly used and of course the pervading sense through the piece of the Romulan honour, discipline and pride through the various characters. It is going to be interesting to see where their stories are going to take them - in particular the concept of Mnhei'sahe versus the neeedling  of the Vorta.

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