Date: 30 Jun 2013 14:33 Title: Chapter 1
Interesting choice of cast, It was an inspire choice to set Maxwell with Selana. His angry at forgiveness and the death his action created feel right and played nicely.
Date: 03 Jun 2013 06:36 Title: Chapter 1
Wow... wow... the fact that she did this and it ended up being more for his benefit than her own, yet they were both healed by it? really nice!
Date: 03 Jun 2013 00:26 Title: Chapter 1
Very touching take. Interesting that someone actually affected by Maxwell would not only seek him out for closure, but also join Starfleet. Like she mentioned though, it didn't affect her too greatly having her father die. And good to see Maxwell getting some healing. He's definitely a tragic character; you want to dislike him (in TNG) and at the same time, you know damn well why he's doing what he's doing and why he feels justified doing it. Very well done. I'm surprised you found any time to write between the ficlet challenge and the review hunt, lol.
Date: 01 Jun 2013 19:02 Title: Chapter 1
This was a wonderful piece, trekfan. I must admit, I didn't know who Maxwell was (thank goodness for MA ;)) but after a little research it made the piece all the more poignant.
I find it interesting that Selana didn't know her father, didn't have that emotional attachment to him as it were, but still felt the need to confront Maxwell about the man's death. Echoes of her uncles hatred? Not entirely true, methinks. Lots of terrible things happened during the Dominion War, on both sides, and I wonder if some of the deeper meaning and interest here for her is that now she is a Starfleet officer, and wonders what exactly pushed Maxwell over the edge to act the way he did? Revenge for his murdered family, or a desire to keep other citizens of the Federation safe, as he claims ("I did what I thought was right.").
Is she looking to quell that sense of revenge within her planted by her uncle those many years ago? Hoping to understand why Maxwell did what he did and hoping to find whether she would have the strength of character - or flaw in her character as the case may be - to also do what she thought was right, and necessary, should a similar situation arise during her career?
I also love how you made Maxwell human here; someone who wrestled with the choice he made on a daily basis, as opposed to a revenge-hungry automaton ("I remember every name."). Soldiers, and governments kill in the name of war; in the name of protecting their citizens. I often wonder if the weight of all these deaths hangs about their necks like chains of bondage in moments of quiet reflection. Yes, they killed for what they believe was the right reason, but still someone's loved one will never be coming back to them again...
I liked the resolution at the end. I think they are both now in a better place as a result of this conversation, even though each was dreading it for different reasons. All in all, a very fitting response to the challenge, and a wonderful debut for an OC. I agree with Mistral - you need to explore the trials and tribulations she faced as a cadet. Similar problems to what Icheb faced, no doubt...
Date: 29 May 2013 01:48 Title: Chapter 1
When you first revealed that our main character was a Cardassian cadet who was about to meet Benjamin Maxwell the hairs on the back of my neck stood up! I knew this would get ugly!
But it didn't and what followed was a rather beautiful scene that almost made me cry. For one thing you portrayed Maxwell as we remember him from TNG and I can see his face (albeit a more aged version) and hear his voice, but there are some deep regrets festering in Maxwell and I think Selana forgiving him may go some way to easing his guilt.
I mean the man killed hundreds of Cardassians, and he was following a hunch which proved to be true in that those ships were smuggling weapons, and he paid a heavy price with losing his career and serving a long prison term. I only wonder if his regrets are compounded after first the Maquis and then the Dominion war.
Perhaps if the Federation had taken a more sterner approach to the Cardassians and kept them on a tighter lead so to speak, that is Maxwell's preferred strategy at the time, perhaps there would not have been all that commotion upon the colonies close to the Federation/Cardassian border. Perhaps history would have turned out much differently and I can well imagine Maxwell considering this as he would have a lot of time on his hands when in prison.
But a Cardassian forgiving him for his crimes, a Cardassian whose father was one of Maxwell's victims? It is a very Duet like moment (Duet the episode from DS9) without such the massive clash of personalities and opinions. Also Cardassian women seem much more wiser than the men, so it makes sense that Selana would forgive Maxwell and not hold a grudge against him like many in her race would do.
And also you feel rather sorry for Maxwell. He's this guy: old, with no career, no direction, burdened with guilt, kicked out of Starfleet, someone who has served his time and with nothing going for him save remembering all the bitter experiences of his life. So Selana coming around may be the bright spot of Maxwell's life...
A thought-provoking story and my only regret is that you did not expand upon it and have a greater clash between the two. But it was a solid ending...
Date: 23 May 2013 18:51 Title: Chapter 1
Well done-you got the heart of the challenge perfectly.
Date: 19 May 2013 19:25 Title: Chapter 1
Thank you for this story - this is how I envisioned this challenge would go. Hard words are said, and there is a release from the past.
Well done.