Date: 11 Apr 2022 00:07 Title: The Chains of Error
I always felt mourning the lost was never adequate in the franchise and glad to see more of the impact here.
Odd decision regarding Kincaid despite his recent actions to bring resolution to the nuveau Maquis and the DMZ. But I suppose Leone was wanting to see some sort of resolution in the wake of her own loss.
So does this mean Sandhurst is getting Lar'ragos back involuntarily?
Overall a fun episode and not quite as R-rated as I had expected given all the disclaimers.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
No, Lar'ragos was not reassiged to Gibraltar, but chose to take leave on Vulcan to treat his long-term PTSD. As Sandhurst told him, there was no longer any place for him aboard that ship.
And yes, we were perhaps being somewhat overcautious with the rating, but there was some sexually suggestive dialogue and situations, not to mention rather graphic violence.
Thank you for your excellent, thoughtful reviews!
Date: 07 Apr 2022 01:49 Title: The Chains of Error
Old habits are hard to break. So the newly emancipated Maquis are already plotting to return to their old ways and lose their hard won independence. The Romulan and Klingon empires are plotting to destabilize the power standing between them and reconquest by the Dominion.. At least Lar'ragos appears to be making a good choice - to get out of the game for awhile.
A rather depressing but reasonably accurate reflection on human (klingon, romulan) nature. People keep treading down the same old paths headed toward the same depressing destinies...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Apr 2022 12:07 Title: The Chains of Error
Quite a satisfying end for Galmesh - but it appears Lar'ragos is just as broken. Really great long-running character arcs for these characters and particularly satisfying that nothing is settled quickly and Lar'ragos is allowed to hit the floor - if eased to it.
And a very interesting relationship in the admiral's case. Ariel had far more than sex in her arsenal - she had quite a grip on the hearts of a number o fcharacters. Very gripping scene with Sandhurst and Leone.
In the midst of all this, the birth of a Maquis state - that's one I wasn't expecting...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Apr 2022 11:48 Title: The Chains of Error
Far better than killing him - Galmesh has to live with the dishonor of being captured alive. And we get a duel...
I suspect Lar'ragos will manage to get his pound of flesh somehow. Quite an interesting confrontation between Lar'ragos and Sandhurst - shows how much of a rift has developed.
I was expecting Galmesh to meet a sticky fate - but a fate worse than death is even better as a story device...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 29 Mar 2022 01:18 Title: The Chains of Error
Well... the cavelry arrived and shot at their own... that was a fun and unexpected turn of events.
We have got to get a moment with Galmesh and Lar'ragos - there's just no other way for that particular baddie to end.
Really enjoying the quick-paced cuts from scene to scene - catching snippits of the battle from various POV. Much faster intercutting than I've seen before.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 26 Mar 2022 02:55 Title: The Chains of Error
Nice gritty battle sequence. A good hard dirty fight with some fancy flying from the Star Fleet pilots. Lar'ragos and his team cavorting on the K'Vort is particularly entertaining.
But easily the most entertaining is Sandhurst calmly conducting negotiations in the midst of it - with some cardassians hidden in the next room.
Of course, things have got to turn sour at this point... Very fun sequence - Thanks!! rbs
Date: 23 Mar 2022 19:55 Title: The Chains of Error
Sateem and Galmesh - that's just so wrong on so many different levels...
But the segment does make Galmesh's motives clear - and they've nothing to do with the validity of the Maquis cause. I kind of suspected that. Surprised that Kincaid doesn't seem to.
And Galmesh didn't hesitate to bring the battle. At the moment it appears to be an even match.
Good quick read on this chapter, despite its length it's punchy and to the point. Really enjoying the details of Sandhurst's diplomacy.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 21 Mar 2022 00:24 Title: The Chains of Error
Looks like Star Fleet seriously has the upper hand here - rolling up the Maquis colonies, rolling up the stragglers, bringing the head honcho to the negotiating table.
Working like an inexorable, well oiled machine.
Isn't that usually where it all starts to go wrong?
Liking the actual relationship between Lar'ragos and Ariel. Also enjoying T'Ser's current perception of Sandhurst. Although for some reason he seems to me to be a little on the brittle side at the moment.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 18 Mar 2022 08:42 Title: The Chains of Error
I have to agree with the Marine - really liking Ebnal. Picard he is not. That was a fun little rant.
Also enjoying the unfolding of different Maquis perspectives from Diaz to Kincaid to Galmesh. And a fun process sequence with Lar'ragos and Ariel. Fairly often every scene leads to an action sequence. Including the scenes that don't - as Lar'ragos put it, the "seek" part of seek & destroy - provides verisimilitude and helps the action sequences pop more when they show up.
Nice speech by Sandhurst - good line: “We will not give such aid and comfort to our enemies."
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 15 Mar 2022 02:29 Title: The Chains of Error
Definitely looking forward to the demise of Galmesh - I can only hope a fitting end is in store for him. Quite enjoyed the last valiant moments of the doomed crew of the Amberjack.
So Lar'ragos accepted a promotion? And now he's on the hunt. This is going to be fun... Looks like it's going to be a rocky reconciliation between him and Sandhurst.
Also liking the politics of the situation as expressed in the final segment.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 12 Mar 2022 16:54 Title: The Chains of Error
Several things I'm liking about this - starting with the "reasonable" Maquis as opposed to the more unhinged violent ones.
Also liking that Kincaid can sleep soundly. And that he takes Sandhurst seriously.
Quite a fun lot of civilians - so this is what Teams means. And probably something Kincaid is seriously worried about...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, the neo-Maquis are riven with factions as most movements of any size are. Kincaid's the one trying to fight a 'cleaner' dirty war.
Pava and his team make their transfer to Gibraltar, opening a whole new can of worms for all involved.
Thanks for your continuing patronage!
Date: 10 Mar 2022 03:19 Title: The Chains of Error
Okay - this is going to be barrels of fun! An orion hybrid - perfect SFI operative.
Quite enjoyed Sandhurst's clever use of the holodeck to test her - and even with all of those layers of protection still coming away disturbed.
You know she's some kind of a Medusa - because you're already turning to stone...
Great zinger line at the end.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Elannis is Trouble with a capital 'T', and Sandhurst is the lucky person who has to try and fold her into his team for this mission.
Date: 05 Mar 2022 08:59 Title: The Chains of Error
Orion hybrids are so much fun... nice twist on the STE depiction in that the pheremones ork equally on females instead of giving them headaches and making them irritable to the point of ineffectiveness.
SFI, like S31, always makes for interesting story formats.
Looks like fun...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 01 Apr 2015 00:10 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Astounding work, I honestly wish I could put together a tome like this. Very nice work to both of you.
Date: 02 Mar 2015 04:27 Title: Mater Semper Certa Est
Ha! I like Govan. Sounds like Dominic's got a real headache on his hands... This part, though:
"My grandmother couldn't stay retired. I should tell her she's a quitter," Dominic groused.
Just about had me in stitches lol, imagining the dent in the floor from where his grandmother's jaw hit it if he said that to her!
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:45 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Oh man, that was kinda harsh. For a moment there Selik thought that he wasn't alone in his cruel fate only to learn that no, actually, Kircheis was doing fine, was being wined and dined in fact while he was being brutally assaulted.
I'm curious about CJ's future. Looks like that promotion and new assignment lasted a lot shorter than anyone expected. I'm still convinced she'd love another chance of sitting in a captain's chair. After all she's done a pretty decent job in the brief time she was Adelphi's acting captain.
Intense stuff!
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:41 Title: Gens Una Sumus
The ordeal is over. In the end only one person really suffered here. Good think poor Selik is a Vulcan. Sure he's broken and devastated inside, no doubt, but time will heal this wound for him. And outwardly you'd probably never know what has been done to him.
As for CJ, she's made a new friend. Or possibly more? Of course getting struck hard in the face is normally not a good start to any relationship. Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised at all if their paths crossed again in the future.
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:36 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Saw this coming but probably not when we first started out.
It's very interesting that the sexual assault here is reversed from what you would normally expect. That's cleverly done.
The reasoning behind Evaste's actions, and the importance Vulcans seem to have in Romulan society, seems a bit odd to me. I suppose different cultures have different ways of thinking, I can respect that.
There must be other ways for Evaste to impregnate herself, especially in the 24th century, which means that she thoroughly enjoys violating and humiliating pure Selik in this manner. This, is one sick lady.
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:27 Title: Gens Una Sumus
That's an awkward position to be in for CJ. I mean here she is, fully aware that she has nothing to fear from her captor and yet she is unable to communicate any of this to her loyal crew. Tough spot. But hey, it could be a lot worse.
Actually it just might get worse. Evaste seems to have her mind set of going after Selik. In the worst possible way.
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:23 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Things are becoming a lot clearer now. At least as far as the connection between Kircheis and Taibek is concerned. Romulans seem to take their family extremely seriously, maybe even more so then the Cardassians do, for Taibek to risk turning against his own people and side with a human instead. Not to mention the commander of the starship which killed his own captain and most of his flotilla.
Kircheis' reaction is priceless though. Believing herself in mortal danger of torture and worse one moment to instead find herself in the care of an unexpected, and charming, ally instead.
Oh, and it appears to be a bad day to be a Vulcan.
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:18 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Okay things have taken an odd turn with CJ and her small group of crew-members finding themselves Romulan prisoners. And it looks like there's no place she can go these days without unwelcome eyes gobbling her up.
Taibek may have some other intentions here. The prologue comes back to mind; there is a connection here. I have to admit that I don't recall Kircheis' history and the circumstances of her affiliation with the Romulans but it seems fairly significant.
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:11 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Oh wow, Adelphi's a tough little ship. The Ambassador class is an old design, I would have thought she'd be minced meat against 3 warbirds for sure. Well, she still ends up that way in the end, but not before taking a few Romulans with her. Not the direction I was expecting things to go, with Toomey finding a quick death and Adelphi's story seemingly coming to an end.
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:08 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Oh yeah, Toomey is bad news, all around.
Taibek is right, it's Starfleet standard procedure to at least try to talk with the other side, even if their motives are clear. Toomey will have hell to pay for playing the role of the aggressor here. CJ is helpless to stop this train wreck in the making and I wonder about Toomey's motivations. Is she just a bad captain or are there some personal reasons at work?
Date: 22 Feb 2015 16:05 Title: Gens Una Sumus
Okay this crew is giving me all kinds of warning signs. Toomey seemed like a needlessly strict disciplinarian but perhaps a decent captain at first. Now I'm not so sure, not with an apparently racist crew, and officers like Carneiro who don't seem fit to wear the uniform. Not to mention her odd two-faced persona.
And now the Romulans? Bad tidings, I fear.
Date: 20 Feb 2015 21:56 Title: Gens Una Sumus
So, will Selik get custody of his child? Stay tuned ....