Date: 02 Jan 2013 21:05 Title: Chapter 1
A very neat spin on Sybok in the NuVerse. A lot of people have wondered where he ended up, and the fact that he's still around and kicking here was definitely interesting! The feeling was very organic in the story; very close to the ground. Nice!
Date: 02 Jan 2013 01:43 Title: Chapter 1
Nice somewhat comical Abrams-verse tale. I especially enjoyed the descriptions of all the different Vulcan "sub-cultures".
Date: 01 Jan 2013 01:48 Title: Chapter 1
One quirky little story, while Spock has the hots for Nyota, the rest of his cold logical interior hasn't been thawed out... And it seems some human customs are still a mystery to our AU Spock...
Date: 01 Jan 2013 01:43 Title: Chapter 1
I, too was wondering about the location of ShiKahr - or New ShiKahr, perhaps?
I had to grin at Sybok, though. It seems that no matter the universe, his most predominant emotion is arrogance, and it gets him into trouble here as well. ;-)
Date: 29 Dec 2012 20:54 Title: Chapter 1
Oh, AU? Cool. Nice piece! I found myself wondering where ShiKahr is located. A new colony of Vulcans, perhaps?
Author's Response: Thanks! The story takes place a few years after the events of Star Trek 2009 and is set on the Vulcan colony. I figured the use of the term "New" to be a Human convention. For Vulcans, since currently there would be only one place named ShiKahr (the original having been destroyed), there would be no need to set it apart.
Date: 29 Dec 2012 09:34 Title: Chapter 1
a neat little piece. I guess I kinda forgot about Sybok watching the new movie; the possibilities for the affairs of the homeless Vulcans are endless!
Date: 28 Dec 2012 19:02 Title: Chapter 1
Ah, family is all - despite its obligations, and despite Sybok bringing his ills upon himself. Well done!