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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Aug 2013 09:02 Title: Chapter 1

Perfectly adorable. I love his various and sundry notes on the different things he could smell. And that there were no cliche reactions to being around a bunch of large, sentient cats. Well done!

Author's Response:

Big cats wearing clothes? That's gotta be an occasion for a serious head tilt.


Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2013 21:59 Title: Chapter 1

Well, this was an amusing jaunt from beginning to end. I kind of wish ENT did more episodes where the focus was on Porthos, he obviously has a knack for being the star of the show.

This is one of the more tightly written pieces you have here. The dialogue was snappy and spot on between the various ENT crew members, all who came out quite well here. Reed, especially, was a revealation as his voice came out the clearest to me. I suspected he was balking at the dairy products to to lactose intolerance and he was.

Porthos bit of gas was a laught out loud moment. I was quite amused by it and Reed's analysis of the situation ... earthier, lol. Nicely done. The brief battle with the Romulans was a nice way to remind us that even during dinner unexpected guests can ruin things. Glad to see the Caitians here as well (a personal favorite species of mine).

Well done.

Author's Response:

Oh, thank you so much! I think I hear Reed and Hayes's voices the clearest when I write. 

The story was written in response to a prompt about ironic wish fulfillment - Porthos got all he wanted but, eek, it was not how he expected. :)

Thank you again.

Reviewer: the bluesman Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2012 03:18 Title: Chapter 1

Another adorable Porthos story. This puppy should have his own series! Loving it, Janet.

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'll pay him in biscuits! :)

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