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Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2013 11:02 Title: Chapter 1

I hope there's more to this-its very true to the New Kirk-and Q. Fun times to be had by all!

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2012 23:07 Title: Chapter 1

I loved it! You got Q and Kirk, and the others down. You are going to continue with this right? I want to see JJKIRK put on trial for the crimes of humanity...that should be funny!


Author's Response: Thanks Rob, but since the universe is messed up I am not going to re tread farpoint other than the intro...we are breaking off after the little teaser. I dont blame JJ Kirk for anything, his writers however...

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2012 22:52 Title: Chapter 1

Q's cosmic annoyance might get dangerous for our merry little band of travelers.

Author's Response: It might.

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