Date: 12 Apr 2015 06:04 Title: Out Of My Dreams
I love it when someone almost dies and the other person realizes how much they love them! And I love Spock's "romantic" overture to Christine--he's lucky she knew what he was talking about!
Author's Response: What can I say? She's good. *smile*
Date: 07 Feb 2015 03:11 Title: Out Of My Dreams
Good Story. Yes we all know that down under that Vulcan exterior he a bit of a romantic. Nice ending.
Author's Response: With that @$$? He better be! :) And thanks.
Date: 07 Feb 2015 02:58 Title: Out Of My Dreams
I am truly liking this. I love how Spock actually likes these old earth songs. I love the ones you chose. She's a Lady.
Author's Response: I think that song fit the moment of Christine coming down the stairs perfectly.
Date: 07 Aug 2014 18:40 Title: A Letter To You
Oh wow, is Ma in for a big surprise! Are Vulcans kosher? Can't wait to read about the big meeting.
And Ma's right. Roger was a schmuck.
Author's Response: Guess you'll have to wait and see....
Date: 19 Jul 2014 21:54 Title: Out Of My Dreams
Well that was an unexpected twist in the ending. Christine might have got her Moon in an odd way but yes I can only imagine the meet the parents for the first time trip that is now in that Christine and Spock’s future.
Nicely worked as always.
Author's Response: and wait till you meet the mother! Glad you liked.
Date: 19 Jul 2014 21:51 Title: Out Of My Dreams
What can I say your words paint a great picture of Spock and Christine true relationship, interesting choice of music on the radio to help set the scene.
Author's Response: I listen to oldies on the radio and some of the songs just make me think of certain characters and situations so they just kind of plug themselves into my stories.
Date: 19 Jul 2014 21:48 Title: Out Of My Dreams
Now that another fine little tease opening, good to see some of your Christine and Spock short stories. Janice Rand is always a welcome guest star as well.
Short and Sweet.
Author's Response: For some reason I always saw Christine and Rand as BFFs.
Date: 10 Jul 2014 17:21 Title: Out Of My Dreams
What a strange conversation! I'm glad that Chris understood what he was trying to say. A lesser person might have said, "Spock, what the hell are you talking about?" And that would have spoiled the mood.
That final song is one of the best ever.
Author's Response: That's why he phrased it so obtusely. If she understood the subtle hints and got what he was really saying, She'd get her wish, he'd get a terrific wife, and everything would be hunky dory. And if she didn't get it, it would just be an apology and they could just keep being friends, no harm done. But of course she got it because she loves him. Glad you liked.
Date: 10 Jul 2014 17:15 Title: Out Of My Dreams
I'm wondering what that illogical but undeniable truth might be? Chris is a very beautiful lady... Could it be that a Vulcan hormone is stirring?
Author's Response: I think more like his heart jumped up and slapped him in the face like, "Hey, stupid! Pay attention to me!" Or something like that. LOL
Date: 03 Jul 2014 16:04 Title: Out Of My Dreams
Whoa, is Chris ever going to be surprised!
Author's Response: More surprised than you know....yet. Glad you like so far.
Date: 30 Mar 2014 00:17 Title: Christine's Nightmare
Well written. I'm glad things didn't turn out that far as we know. At least not in my series! My Christine becomes very bitter when Spock marries one of her medical colleagues, but no suicide yet.
Author's Response: Thanks. Since it sounds like you like stories about these two (or at least about Spock), it might interest you (And all the other S/C.C. fans out there) to know that I am working on a series that centers on them. Very happy stuff. Nothing posted yet, though.
Date: 18 Sep 2013 23:59 Title: Christine's Nightmare
Yes Christine Nightmare how hard it must be to love someone who can’t or won’t acknowledge that feeling is indeed mutual. You do write Christine Chapel well and the use of Janice Rand as her room mate/best friend helps to mirror those unsaid feelings. It might just only have been a dream about Christine not so secret love for Spock. You’ve still made the scenes feel truthful to life and the characters, the dream Spock death note, of the heart with Christine name in it is a sweet final gesture by Spock. I do like how you restore reality with a shower scene and Janice banging on the door for her turn in the shower.
PS Nice re-wording on whiskey Lullaby to fit the story.
Author's Response: Thanks. It just suddenly occurred to me one day when I was listening to the song that being so hopelessly in love with Spock for so long could very possibly send her into exactly that kind of a downward spiral, and after that, this story just kind of wrote itself.
Date: 11 Jul 2013 08:33 Title: Christine's Nightmare
Wow, what a scary dream! I love how intense you make Christine's feelings for Spock, and how you hint that he eventually comes around. Both beautiful and sad, and somehow hopeful, too.
Author's Response: Thank you. I think the rewrite of "Whiskey Lullabye" makes it especially poingnant.