Date: 29 Jan 2013 02:38 Title: Chapter 7
Pressure, pressure - and Tellarites aren't easy, even under the best of circumstances.
Date: 28 Jan 2013 12:09 Title: Chapter 7
Wow! Something very odd is going on here, Veszal seems almost brainwashed or blinded by loyalty, I wonder if all the crew are working for Section 31... Or the captain is...
Date: 28 Jan 2013 12:01 Title: Chapter 6
The poor girl's being duped, and I have the sneaking suspicion that 'Kyle' will end up setting off events in Katie's future as he tries to save her...
Date: 19 Dec 2012 00:10 Title: Chapter 6
He's not playing fair!
Then again, when you're a time traveler, I suppose you can do that (and I bet it's hard not to).
Date: 08 Dec 2012 16:13 Title: Chapter 5
Dysia can't catch a break, can she? Now the Klingons are after her and if the previous chapter is any indication, a possibly corrupted Starfleet captain as well.
I'm getting a sense were this story is going, now that you've tied your two main plot lines together. We already have a sense of what may have happened in another timeline.
Thinks undoubtedly are going to be different this time. For better or worse.
Date: 06 Dec 2012 03:21 Title: Chapter 5
Ai yi yi.
I'm glad she barfed.
That sounds weird, eh?
But I've always thought - you know - why don't people puke when the ground is rushing up to meet 'em? Seems rather unrealistic that everybody would be fine. They wouldn't be.
Well done. Can't wait for the next installment.
Date: 03 Dec 2012 21:22 Title: Chapter 4
Oh ho, our troubled captain has many reasons to seek solace at the bottom of a bottle.
Family resemblance -- hmm.
And, of course, some of our disparate pieces will move closer to each other.
Date: 01 Dec 2012 20:25 Title: Chapter 3
Oooh ... and so the deception begins (or, at least, the reader now knows about it). Wild stuff!
And engineering maybe isn't where it all happened. Color me intrigued.
Date: 01 Dec 2012 15:38 Title: Chapter 3
This is getting very interesting. A sentient holographic being from the future, traveling back in time to save his creator with whom, incidentally, he is in love with.
A hell of a setup, that's for sure. And then of course we've got that whole betrayed spy forced to go rogue angle which is somehow going to factor into this as well.
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm intrigued.
Date: 01 Dec 2012 02:37 Title: Chapter 3
Wow! That is one awesome way of connecting Kyle with Katie. The older Katie's creation going back in time to save her from... herself? That's pretty powerful and makes this story twice as more engaging!
Date: 29 Nov 2012 18:04 Title: Chapter 2
Ah, the life of the obsessive-compulsive. Let's see where those OCD behaviors land our gal.
And they meet cute! Excellent! :)
Date: 29 Nov 2012 13:11 Title: Chapter 2
Riker comes across as a very likable, if not a little naive character. Rudolph seemed a little bit too perfect, leaving me to wonder if he has a darker side, especially after he invited her to his quarters ... thats jumping the gun a bit, no?
And what's this mysterious item she can't live without. Interesting stuff, great dialogue.
Date: 28 Nov 2012 20:54 Title: Chapter 1
Intense and somewhat cruel opening but very well written, specifically the way the operative used the Ferengi to get close to her mark.
I was a bit surprised perhaps how ruthless Starfleet Intelligence (I presume) dealt with one of its own operatives here. Of course we don't have the full context here yet and I'm sure it's not unfeasible especially in a slightly darker future in which the Federation carries out high-level, political assassinations.
I'm not overly fond of the title of this series which to me evokes thoughts of corporate synergy but the story itself is off to a terrific start in the best Bourne spy-thriller fashion.
Author's Response:
Thanks CeJay-I admit, the title is a bit of weak point inititally but it'll make sense as the story goes along. Glad you found it to you liking :)
Date: 28 Nov 2012 16:14 Title: Chapter 1
A rollicking beginning! Oh, Dysia, I fear you have major trust issues. :)
Date: 28 Nov 2012 10:53 Title: Chapter 1
One interesting opener to some Section 31 or Starfleet Intelligence agent double-crossed.
Date: 28 Nov 2012 05:28 Title: Chapter 1
Exciting opening! Interested to see where this one goes.