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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 22:22 Title: Day Five: Presumed Innocent: IV

Oh, Nora. She wants Colcord to be the murderer and, though I agree with the sentiment, I still think the blonde angle is the winner here. Further, I think Hopkins is very much the leading suspect (despite Nora not wanting her to be). Gedar was too much of a ladies man and it got him killed, and I think Hopkins was the one he betrayed last.

Author's Response: Colcord is also a blonde. Nora and Hopkins are very close. It'll be very hard for her to seriously consider the chief engineer as a suspect.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 22:16 Title: Day Five: Presumed Innocent: III

Well, Star has her work cut out for her. This looks like some Vulcan mind-meld stuff going on here, or at least some subtle brain washing done via telepathic communication. There's little option left. Someone is definitely trying to sabotage things and they're using the crew to do it. The question is, who?

Author's Response: That sounds like a very reasonable theory as to what is going on.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 22:09 Title: Day Five: Presumed Innocent: II

I like Hopkins as the senior officer involved. Gedar did like himself some blondes, which is totally expected (because who doesn't like blondes) but Nora seems to have an idea here. I wonder what she's thinking? Further, I wonder when her and Star are going to settle down. This thing between them is gonna cause more problems the longer it goes on I feel.

Author's Response: Oh it's going to come to blows between these two women eventually. Or one of them is going to end up in an airlock. Happy on taking bets who is getting spaced first.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 21:59 Title: Day Five: Presumed Innocent: I

Oh yeah, Xylion is about to get some. This Tela girl probably is quite taken with him and one can't blame her. But as to how the ship ended up there, well ... it seems all too easy, doesn't it? I'm suspicious of it all. Especially with the lack of surprise at seeing Starfleet officers there. You'd think they'd be more than just a little curious but it seems as it everyone else has accepted the way of life there.

Something's up.

Author's Response: Well they are Vulcan. These are the people that have perfected the art of understated reactions. But in this story you can't be wrong to be suspicious of everything.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 21:44 Title: Day Four: The Woman in White: VI

OH, the plot THICKENS. So, Sierra (another blonde, Gedar, you dog) is the little thing that Gedar was doing on the side with Yunta but he got bored with her and started with the Doc? This just looks messier and messier. Loving this investigation, can I get a spinoff?

Author's Response: Not sure about the spinoff but I'm glad you are enjoying the crime story part of the novel. It was the trickiest part to try and make work. No whodunnit is ever complete without plenty of possibly wronged persons with motives.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 21:37 Title: Day Four: The Woman in White: V

Well, first contact results in some bruised egos (and jaws). Love the way Dee gets volunteered to go in first and gets hammered by the scared girl. An entire village of Vulcans on a strange alien world that shouldn't even be there? I don't know what the deal is. Part of me wants to call a "Children of Time" here and guess that some Vulcan vessel got trapped there ages ago, but I don't know for sure.

I'm interested though. Oh, so very interested.

Author's Response: Yeah, Deen is getting to find out that some first contacts are truly quite painful. It's especially funny because Leva is quite right. She usually doesn't get punched in the face.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 21:29 Title: Day Four: The Woman in White: IV

And the plot thickens. I like Yunta on a number of levels, at least as far as the investigation goes. But I don't feel like it's her ... or if it is, it's not her alone. The interplay between Nora and Clancy continues to be strong (I'm shipping them, it's official).

Author's Response: I think that's the first time anyone has ever shipped my characters before. Very cool. And you're right, there's something there. A spark at least.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 21:19 Title: Day Four: The Woman in White: III

Damn. Star is going to end up regretting jumping to such a conclusion I think, though I agree with her that the action had to be taken. Too many things are falling into place that fit her theory but I doubt it was Kate. Still, the engineering dept. is taking some heavy hits here (as they always seem to do) and getting anything done is going to be difficult.

Author's Response: Now that she's been virtually shut out of the murder investigation, she probably sees this as the chance to prove herself. Probably not the best ever motive to solve a mystery. But no doubt she's feeling the pressure.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2014 21:11 Title: Day Four: The Woman in White: II

I love a good detective story and you have a nice one going on here. The transitions between interview subjects is good and the dialogue is tight. I appreciate the way you let both Nora and Clancy get involved here, making this a true effort in team work (instead of just letting one dominate which happens a lot on TV).

Gedar was a ladies man, huh? Judging by how Nora was eyeing his dead body earlier, he must have been a hunk. I'm wondering if this is just as simple as a scorned lover, but it would be a little TOO simple if it was, IMO.

Author's Response: Clancy is going to be quite essential in this investigation and clearly brings to table expertise Nora is missing. And I think she's warming up to having him around and asking relevant questions. Gedar was a good looking fellow. But yeah, don't count on the simple solution just yet.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2014 22:00 Title: Day Four: The Woman in White: I

Well that just made things Way more interesting. I wonder where she's from?

Author's Response: Too be revealed shortly ...

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2014 21:54 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: VII

Got to love Star's can do attitude and I like her theory here. The spy seems to be making a lot of trouble and Something's got to be done about it before stuff gets bad. I feel Owens is going to be unhappy but she did the right thing Imo.

Author's Response: It's just not in her nature to sit still and wait for others to take action. This will likely get her in trouble before too long.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2014 21:48 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: VI

Ah, I like Clancy a lot. He's a level headed, kind guy. He and Nora seem to me to have some chemistry. The exchange in sickbay was fun and informative without being too info dumpy. Like the way the doc scared Clancy off. 

Author's Response: Clancy is the cool-headed, rational guy to Nora's emotional hot head. Except when it comes to dead bodies in the morgue that is. Hopefully just the right combination anyway to solve this thing.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2014 07:07 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: V

Well, a compelling scene here plays out. I love the inter-dynamics you have here amongst the crew, you've nailed them, and poor Owens has to play referee which I think every captain -- at some point -- has to play. Well done on this, I loved the pointed barbs and the way you paint the scene.

Sorta like a Judge Judy episode if you'll pardon the comparison. Very enjoyable.

Author's Response: Yeah, I think this had a bit of a courtroom vibe to it. And probably more Judge Judy than Supreme Court, much to Owens' chagrin.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2014 07:01 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: IV

Oh. Oh. Oh. Nora is about to tear Star a new one. A big, nasty, new one. She's in a mood and the stress of the situation, the pressure she's putting on herself, is getting to her. Clearly. She's right to focus her people on the job but her temper has become hair-trigger and it looks like things are about to get rough.

I like.

Author's Response: But is she right to be so angry about this, considering her self-admited weakness? No matter, clearly the woman is seeing red and needs to speak/shout her mind pronto. Fists hopefully won't be part of it.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2014 06:50 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: III

Ah, a nice bit of crew interaction here. Yes, the "live for today" mantra is found often in wartime. I like Srena and her boy, Lance. Dee is right, they are a cute couple and they should enjoy one another while they can. War takes the things we treasure most and wrecks at least one of them. The ending here reminds me a lot of "The Gaileo Seven" and I wonder if we're going to see a similiar set up.

Author's Response: I suppose the shuttle crash is a well used (probably overused) Star Trek trope. But hey, it wouldn't truly be Trek without a few of those.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2014 02:50 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: II

Superb look at Nora's thought process here. Like how she's aware that her investigative skills are not great, but she's gonna press on and rock out anyway. I admire that.

Author's Response: I think it was quite important to make clear that yeah, Nora is the chief of security and yes, she's the lead investigator but truthfully most Starfleet security officers aren't trained to investigate murder cases. Especially not on a starships. And while Nora is an awesome fighter, her greatest weakness is that she lacks patience and finesse. Hell, she ain't even a tactical officer, really.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jan 2014 22:52 Title: Day Three: The Big Sleep: I

Well, things just got interesting. A murderer running lose on the ship just as they're working on a very important project? Too much coincidence if you ask me. Owens has his work cut out for him.

Author's Response: It's not a good time for a murder, methinks. Well, technically there is never a good time for murder, I 'spose.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jan 2014 22:43 Title: Day Two: The Getaway: VI

Mysterious discovery in a nebula? Sounds like trouble. I think the tactical officer will come in handy soon.

Author's Response: When do tactical officers not come in handy?

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jan 2014 22:38 Title: Day Two: The Getaway: V

Well, seems the captain is a bit g grumpy and who can blame him? The dude should get checked out by the counselor but all captains have issues with doctors. Deen is right that Owens need studio trust Star more and not get so worked up because she did her job. Liked the banter between these two a lot. Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Yeah, like most captains worth thier salt, Owens ain't no fan of the head shrinks. But there is little doubt that he probably could benefit from somebody to talk to. While Nora's recent loss is mentioned here a few times, the fact that Owens has gone through a similar ordeal is only hinted at.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Nov 2013 02:51 Title: Day Two: The Getaway: IV

Aw. Star and Katanga go way, way back. That's nice for both of them. Star, in particular, is really going to find having a friend there a good thing. I hope her idea doesn't blow up in her face (as her previous command seemingly did) but one never knows with a potential spy ... things could be set in motion that surprise everyone. Here's hoping.


Author's Response: Yeah, it's rarely a good idea to keep secrets from you captain, is it? She really going on a limb here but you're right that it helps her tremendously to have found a supported in her old friend Katanga. Doesn't mean it will keep her out of trouble if this goes south. Thanks for reading and your feedback. Really appreciate it.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Nov 2013 00:34 Title: Day Two: The Getaway: III

Ah, so Star has some dark past. I like it. I'm fond of characters who have hidden secrets and dark pasts. Star seems to qualify in leaps and bounds with that. I wonder how exactly she's going to overcome this addiction of hers or will it win out?

And Xylion's away mission sounds promising, if not something that'll lead to trouble. As all away missions do in Trek. I wonder what they're going to find out there. Liked this chapter, really appreciated the backstory on Star.

Author's Response: Tazla Star is trouble, no doubt about it. One of the most interesting aspects for me since she came aboard was to find out if she will be able to eventually overcome her past and all the baggage that comes with it or if she will succumb to it. We shall see in due time. But I'm with you all the way. Her story is one of the most intriguing of this cast.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Nov 2013 00:28 Title: Day Two: The Getaway: II

Haha, love Katanga. He's an opinionated, old-school doctor who has no doesn't like uniforms and reminds me a lot of Bones. Not nearly as gruff in some areas, nor as understanding, but very fun. I think I'm going to enjoy seeing him and the crew interact. Fun scene, lots of smiles from me.

Author's Response: Hey, who doesn't like a grumpy old man. Yeah, nobody does it better than Bones, of course but this compatriot is coming mighty close, I think. And I think he may even develop into an interesting foil for Owens who is clearly not used to not getting the last word on his own ship.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Nov 2013 17:08 Title: Day Two: The Getaway: I

Oh, Deen. I like her. She's fun. Definitely wants to be a science officer and not an ops one, but she's mostly come to terms with it. Mostly. There's some regret in her voice but her career should be long enough to where she can be named head science officer somewhere else in the future. She's just got to keep her head up.

Like the interplay here between these two and the continuing commentary on how Starfleet has been reduced to a military body in wartime, something that I feel wasn't addressed nearly enough in DS9 where everyone was content to shoot things up. Repeatedly.

Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Glad this is coming across. These guys aren't soldiers and that's a theme I like to revisit. Yes, they go out and fight the battles but only because they do not have a choice. Because their freedoms and their lives depend on it. And you can bet that the likes of Deen and Xylion will jump on a chance to do the thing they signed-up to Stafleet to do in the first place.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Nov 2013 17:04 Title: Day One: Farewell, My Lovely: IV

Loved the bridge dynamics at play here. You've got the voices and roles down pat, from the Vulcan science officer to the XO. Really enjoyed seeing them go at it and reflect on the fact that, yes, Starfleet hasn't had many exploratory missions during the war and didn't really have many after either. The entering of the nebula and the description of it by itself was good. I like red, so I'm all for something Crimson.

Seeing Owens reflect on the thing with Donner was also nice as I'd totally be doing the same thing. My question is did he lose sleep doing it (unintentionally) or did the nebula make it so? And the internal sensors being down also worries me ... seems like a good time to do something bad to the ship.

Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Always good to have a bit of banter on the bridge, I say. As for what Owens' missing night. That may be a question that'll be answered in the course of this tale. Glad your enjoying it so far.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Nov 2013 16:52 Title: Day One: Farewell, My Lovely: III

I really liked this chapter. The dinner farewell was well-done, the right amount of surprise and tears mixed in with lightheartedness. I liked the new doctor -- eccentric old men make me happy on the inside. It's totally what I want to be when I grow up, lol. As to Owens and Donner, things are kinda complicated between them but there look to be some sparks there. Building for the future perhaps? More to look forward to there I'm sure. The curveball was indeed that, a real curveball, but Donner took it in stride (which leads me to believe she and he are totally meant for one another. Starting up the bandwagon now).

The mission seems pretty cut and dry, but I have no doubt things are bound to get worse before they get better. Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Katanga will hopefully infuse quite a bit of eccentricity into this tale. And yeah, the Donners/Owens relationship is certainly complicated. Or at least, it is for Michael. If you are ever curious to learn more about Amaya Donners and the Agamemnon, look for The God Particle, a feature-length novel starring Donners on her first week on the job as captain of the Agamemnon. And hey, thanks for reading.

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