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Reviewer: M C Pehrson Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2014 01:13 Title: Blackmail and Loyalty

Great interlude. I'd never really thought about what those melds must cost Spock. I liked seeing McCoy's concern for him, and the way you handled it. He is indeed a skilled physician and you are a good writer!

Author's Response:

Thank you! Every now and then Spock hints at the difficulty in a mind meld, so I wanted to get into that a little more. And I love the way McCoy cares about him but is always cranky about it. I really appreciate your review!

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Nov 2012 01:29 Title: Blackmail and Loyalty

Once again I'm amazed at your perception, and your ability to seamlessly tie events from several episodes together in a way that makes perfect sense; makes me say to myself, "now why didn't I see that?"

This is my favorite thing to read/write when it comes to TOS.  In a TV show that was only an hour long, there were many such unresolved issues, hinted at but never fully explored.  Works like this serve to tie up those loose ends; weave the episodes into a seamless tapestry that strengthens the overall story of the five-year mission.  Makes it seem like one cohesive event rather  than many unrelated stories.  I often wonder what Roddenberry would say about fan fic authors' abilities to read between the lines and produce tales that lend more meaning and understanding to the framework he created.

I love your McCoy - he was spot-on.  Far beyond the curmudgeonly personality we often see, McCoy was a very astute judge of character, particularly where these two men and their relationship to one another was concerned.  I've often maintained that Kirk and Spock owe much of their friendship to McCoy, but his handiwork was so subtle, so deft, that I doubt either of them realize what an integral part he played in their friendship, and keeping it healthy and viable.

Like you mentioned in the response below, I think this action went a long way to showing Spock that McCoy wasn't always contrary just to play devil's advocate or to get under Spock's skin, but because deep down he really did care about the mental health of the Vulcan, even if he didn't fully understand it.  This story shows great insight as to why Spock suddenly named McCoy friend at the beginning of the second year of their mission, even though some of the most intense bikering between them also showed up as well during this time period.  Kudos, madam.  Another masterpiece. :D

Author's Response:

Thank you for these thoughtful words, Cuppy. Your insight means a lot to me, and I'm so pleased to be part of the ongoing conversation about the balance of the relationship between these three. I love the humor in McCoy's character, but it sometimes masks some extremely sharp insight and intelligence (just as Spock's intelligence often masks his humor), and as much heroic and sacrificial loyalty as either of the other two. And I LOVE to make connections between episodes! My big struggle right now is that there are 3 timelines for TOS--the order in which the episodes were prodced, the order in which they aired, and the stardate order, which is completely different! It makes all the difference for character and relationship development. But, these two episodes were in this order for at least production and air date, so I went with it. I have to think that Roddenberry would approve of all this--he always liked the conventions and the fanzines and the whole culture that arose around TOS. I think we need to be true to his vision, but since that was lived out in the characters, I think we're doing that. I'm glad you're well and have power and everything. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Nov 2012 17:11 Title: Blackmail and Loyalty

Oh, clever doctor! The ending is spot-on - he can get Jim there and give a small hint of issues, but nothing that can't be discussed in the open. Everyone is protected this way. Very well done!

Author's Response:

Thank you! It's not too long after this that Spock asks McCoy to stand up with him at his wedding, so it made sense to me that Spock will ultimately see McCoy's blackmail as the right thing to have done. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

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