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Reviewer: Millennium Falsehood Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Oct 2012 05:14 Title: Chapter 1

Neat little one-shot! :D I really felt the "settling in to a new posting" feeling that the characters must be going through.

Reviewer: Enterprise1981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Oct 2012 01:02 Title: Chapter 1

Short and to the point, which I enjoy in these challenge entries. Veronica has a lot of changes to deal with, but her best means of coping is serving alongside a friend and potential love interest.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2012 02:59 Title: Chapter 1

Interesting start.  Something tells me Dylan and West are in for an interesting ride, on several fronts. ;-) Are you planning any more stories with this ship and crew, or is this a prequel to things you've already written?

Author's Response: Its actually jsut a little vignette in answer to the challenge, and yes more thign are planned for this ship and crew, including expanding on this little look so there will be the first mission story, but in the vein of TOS trek. We wont see the transfer of command and all the procedure and all the crew in space ready to go doing what they do. Just like in the cage and Where no man had gone before. My stories are not in chronological order which may be confusing, but I tend to write what engages me at the time.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2012 00:39 Title: Chapter 1

Eek - just about ready to go - always leave 'em wanting more, and you have!

Author's Response: I am kinda like GR where I encourage the readers to fill in the blanks. My thinking here was to ahve a conversation abotu thier new jobs, then have it interrupted by a problem.

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