Date: 29 May 2015 19:36 Title: Chapter 1
Okay, first let me say that I love that you've named the ship the Monkey Wrench. That, in itself, alludes to the fact that this won't be a smooth ride. I like the fact that we are immediately thrust into the center of the conflict.
I am very interested in this Romulan passenger, and the cloaking device that she stole.
There are some clever elements in this story, like Dar being able to change her appearance with a mask that makes her look different even after it comes off.
I wonder if they'll be successful stealing the Klingons goats--I don't want to contemplate the repercussions if they aren't.
Looking forward to reading more of your stories.
Date: 01 Jul 2012 13:36 Title: Chapter 1
Yeah, Nimbus II ain't no paradise even if the name of its capital city would like you to believe otherwise.
Great little story in the best, roughish space jockey fashion, complete with a damsel in distress, a vile villain getting his due and ... robots?
Author's Response: The robot's role was part intimidation part misdirection. There is no machine matrix. At least not yet. It's whole statement was written by Kader to distract the enemy.