Date: 13 Jul 2021 10:16 Title: Chapter 14
It looks like Pava and M'Sharv have some unfinished business. Actually a satisfying end to a first mission - leaving Sandhurst dissatisfied with the outcome.
One of my characters muses that the klingons killing their gods makes them the most sensible people he has encountered.
Also a really good opening relationship between Rameriz and Sandhurst.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you enjoyed Gibraltar's inaugural tale and I hope you delve further into the series. Thank you so much for the great reviews!
Date: 12 Jul 2021 10:19 Title: Chapter 13
A working alliance with klingons is bound to be problematic. They're actually being fairly well behaved for klingons... At the moment...
For all of K'Vada's open dismissal of Sandhurst, it seems he understands Sandhurst is definitely a burr in his saddle.
I liked the image of Pava closing his helmet - it makes sense for Star Fleet tactical units to be helmeted. Hat would make a lot of sense too..
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, in a sense this is just Klingons being Klingons. You don't blame a shark for being a shark, you just exercise caution when you're in the ocean.
Date: 11 Jul 2021 14:03 Title: Chapter 12
Not sure whether Jonin was betrayed or kidnapped from his rescuers. Sounds like he has fun times ahead.
I'm enjoying the reverse angle on the cardassian and klingon characters. Conflict means more if the enemy has a face.
Star Fleet on hovermounts... Shades of Mad Max.. Makes sense - wish I had thought of that.. Although I do have a few romulan detectives riding hovermounts.
Also liking the klingons shackling but not harming the civilians.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Jonin's rescuers were authentic, and ended up paying for their good deeds with their lives at the hands of vengeful insurgents.
And yes, Pava's Special Forces connections do come in handy sometimes. :D
Thanks for your review!
Date: 09 Jul 2021 22:53 Title: Chapter 11
Wise words from Pava - worry more about the klingons you can't see...
The cardassian resistance session was quite interesting - more democratic than I expected from the Legate. But DS9 mentioned several times that Cardassia had a democratic tradition.
General K'Vada is a barrel of laughs. Actually quite a well drawn character.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 08 Jul 2021 23:35 Title: Chapter 10
Superb character development with both Remirez and Sandhurst - growing pains...
I enjoyed Pava's speech - the bit about the swagger.
Also a very believable description of the collision of the cardassioan and Star Fleet cruisers.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, in a perfect world Sandhurst & Ramirez would have had time and opportunity to get to know one another properly, but in this scenario they've had to collide abruptly to shear off their rough edges.
Date: 07 Jul 2021 10:29 Title: Chapter 9
Good old ramming speed - better with an abandoned ship under remote control.
I enjoyed Panor's ruminations about Star Fleet captains. It's difficult to keep space battles intersting in narrative - well done!
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks for the kind words.
Date: 06 Jul 2021 19:06 Title: Chapter 8
Sandhurst has gotten seduced back into the engineering game when he really needs to be on the bridge...
Very nice plot development with the klingons volunteering to help the Legate out with his planning. Great warriors - not so good at understanding soft power.
Superb little conversation between Ramirez and Faltyne, neatly mirroring the previous conversation between Rameriz and Sandhurst.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 04 Jul 2021 16:41 Title: Chapter 7
Very rapid personal growth for Ramirez under fire.
Very intriguing device that protected the Gibralter - perhaps a beneficent side-effect of some nefarious attack? There's the tease into the rest of the story. There's more going on here than just anachornistic cardassians taking on Star Fleet for old times' sake.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Indeed. Strange things are afoot on and around Lakesh.
Date: 02 Jul 2021 17:00 Title: Chapter 6
I like Sandhurst's error and quick self-correction. Good verisimilitude. Lar'ragos is similar to a character I created - Investigator Lynhart Shran. Except Lenny's an old man with a heart condition. And an andorian revolver. Never a good idea to rely exclusively on energy weapons.
Fun mix of characters - tellerite characters are never-ending buckets of fun. Looking forward to more Tark.
Thanks! rbs
Date: 01 Jul 2021 18:20 Title: Chapter 5
Particularly liked Lar'ragos' musings about the young cardassian recruits. Quite the nasty anti-ship weapon these cardassians have come up with - beaming bioweapons through raised shielding.
I got a bit of a kick out of the reaction to Gul Dien. The cardassians occasionally produce blowhard villains.
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, the only thing Gul Dien likes more than vanquishing Cardassia's enemies is telling everyone about how he's vanquishing Cardassia's enemies. ;-)
Thank you for you comments!
Date: 30 Jun 2021 09:10 Title: Chapter 4
...floating anachronism.. - fun turn of phrase. Given the current force rediness, Lar'ragos is flying fairly low under the radar to have avoided promotion.
Good mission briefing scene - one of the things I most appreciated about the STNG series. Also interesting summary of Sandhurst's research into his new senior staff.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Lar'ragos has refused promotion several times at this point of his career. As we saw with Lieutenant JG Picard in 'Tapestry,' Starfleet doesn't have a promote-or-retire regulation like most modern militaries do. He can remain a lieutenant for the remainder of his career, so long as he's still doing well at his job.
Glad you're enjoying the story!
Date: 29 Jun 2021 09:28 Title: Chapter 3
Nice portrait of a would-be cardassian strongman - and a ferengi weapons merchant. I like reverse angles that get into such characters and their motivations more or less sympathetically.
It is all too tempting to create scenery munching villains (the writers of ST TV and movie series have more than occasionally been guilty.) They're so much more satisfying when their motives are underpinned by some believable conviction.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
He sees himself as a patriot, and that makes him more dangerous than most.
Date: 28 Jun 2021 20:35 Title: Chapter 2
Very well written interaction between Sandhurst and Ramirez - a good decision on his part to simply be brutally honest. Probably the only way to gain her respect and best cooperation.
Her reaction to the disappointment of not receiving the command she wanted kind of demonstrates she's not ready for it.
I also enjoyed the little humanizing detail of Sandhurst scratching his ear as well as the exchange between him and Lar'rogos.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, Ramirez thought being on the admiral's staff was her golden ticket to her own command, and she's angry to have been knocked off course.
Thanks again for the awesome feedback!
Date: 27 Jun 2021 13:35 Title: Chapter 1
Looks like 2 chapters here. Pretty gripping chapter on the attack on the Sojourner - would have made for a good 007 jump start. Interesting choice to have a saurian in command. Non-humans are rarely depicted in command.
I like the characterization of Sandhurst - particularly that he is overweight. His abilities as an engineer give him some interesting potentials as a starhip captain.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review!
Date: 29 Sep 2014 03:23 Title: Chapter 14
I really like the view that I've gotten of your world from this story. I love the darker, grittier view of Starfleet. I love the multitude of higher forces that are at play. I love how none of your characters are perfect, and none of them have the magic "I win" bottom on their console. I love how you've allowed your crew to essentially fail this mission. I can't wait to get started on your other stories, because I'm sure that all of the actions that were taken in this story will have rippling repercussions, not only on the political landscapes, but also on the interpersonal relationships and inner strife of the characters.
Author's Response:
Much obliged for the reviews of this story! Yes, there's is a complex universe without a lot of easy answers or satisfying victories.
Date: 29 Sep 2014 03:08 Title: Chapter 13
As this story continues, the parallels between Sandhurst and Ramirez are becoming more and more apparent. Ramirez's empathy has surprised me a lot more than Sandhurst's. She initially came off as the type who would take the Cardassian's actions more personally, and who would be more accepting of the Klingon's interrogation.
I've always believed that despite what the TV show presented, enemy races would have delineations in their "gray areas." That Klingons, for example, who were more likely to encounter Starfleet personnel were normally the more "even keel," open-minded sort. K'Vada seems to shake this belief; though presumably the "bad seeds" wouldn't be entirely relegated to the "far side" of the Empire. And of course, he surrounds himself with similarly-inclined ruffians.
Author's Response:
K'Vada is a Klingon patriot, with all the horrific baggage that entails. He respects the Federation as powerful allies, but as we've seen, he can't stomach what he perceives as Starfleet's weak stomach for doing the ugly things that 'have to be done' in order to secure the peace.
Date: 29 Sep 2014 02:51 Title: Chapter 12
There is something about Ramirez that is decidedly adorable in this chapter. I also like how this shows sides of Pava that stand in start contrast: the listener, and the warrior. His handling of M'Sharv was hilarious.
Date: 29 Sep 2014 02:34 Title: Chapter 11
This chapter really shows a good deal about Sandhurst's character. It's one thing for a Starfleet Captain to simply refuse to do harm to enemy forces and civilians. It's another entirely for him to feel such concern about what non-Federation forces will do to them. The Cardassians captured by the Kang likely took action that lead to the death (or viral illness) of Phoenix crew. There's no reason for Sandhurst to feel such empathy for them, yet still he does.
Date: 29 Sep 2014 01:53 Title: Chapter 10
Oh, the unenviable clean up process. Still, it seems as though through all this, Ramirez and Sandhurst have reached somewhat of an improved-- albeit tenuously so-- relationship.
At least, they have until Ramirez comes across the red shirt he has with her name embroidered upon it.
Date: 29 Sep 2014 01:25 Title: Chapter 9
I'm hoping the shared frustrations between Sandhurst and Ramirez leads to a higher level of appreciation from both parties. Also, I feel bad for Sandhurst. Commanding one ship was a new enough experience, and now he's acting as a Fleet Captain. Fortunately, Cardassian greed and superiority has driven Panor to make a very unwise set of decisions.
Perhaps now Salk will be more interested in providing Starfleet assistance!
Date: 28 Sep 2014 19:52 Title: Chapter 8
Oooh, interesting little mystery we have here, and also a crescendo of activity that all seems to be moving towards the Crolsa sector. If he manages to work through all of this, I suspect Sandhurst will have a tremendous amount of paperwork awaiting him.
Date: 28 Sep 2014 19:30 Title: Chapter 7
I really admire your ability to still include a lot of detail without detracting from the "urgency" of the story. I also enjoy the fact that there is chaos from every angle: on the planet, on the Phoenix, in Sickbay, and among the engineers. Clearly Sandhurst is getting a baptism by fire.
It looks like Ramirez is the next to end up in that boat. I can only imagine the expression on her face right about now.
Date: 27 Sep 2014 03:47 Title: Chapter 6
I like this Jonin character. It's interesting to see other ship's crew looking down on Sandhurst... you wouldn't see any Lieutenant say no to a Kirk, Picard, or even a Sisko or Janeway.
I really enjoyed the glimpse insidge Sandhurst's head on the bridge. Doubt, trepidation, fear... these are things we rarely see in Captains. But even those with the longest of legacies is human at heart!
Can't wait to see how everyone works their ways out of this one!
Date: 26 Sep 2014 19:18 Title: Chapter 5
Ooooh, bio weapons. So very Cardassian, yet something that doesn't get brought up nearly enough in relation to them. I want Lar'ragos' flechette projectile weapon...
Author's Response:
Yes, the Cardassian insurgents have been busy making bad, bad things.
Date: 26 Sep 2014 03:12 Title: Chapter 4
This is a really interesting and atypical rag-tag sort of gang. I can't wait to see what sort of trouble they get into!
Author's Response:
That's a very apt description of this crew!