Date: 06 Dec 2009 08:39 Title: Chapter 10
Stunning! I've really been drawn into this adventure and the fact that this is a crew and ship with fallibilities is gripping.
As a first time ship commander, Sandhurst is learning the lessons of command the hard way. The obviously deep friendship with Lar'ragos is doubtless the anchor he so badly needs right now.
And poor Ramirez! Frying pan and fire springs to mind!
The story continues to be beautifully executed with character interplay and action paced perfectly to my tastes!
Oh how my writing is suffering simply because I can't drag myself away from this! Curse you Sam! :)
Author's Response:
I am pleased you're enthralled with the story, but as I'm presently awaiting the latest chapters of your tale I've apparently sabotaged myself with my own work! ;-)
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:41 Title: Chapter 14
And a fantastic wrap-up!
I loved the way you presented Ramirez decision and provided us with a hint that there is more to Sandhurst than we think. I also really liked the fact that this story ends on such a downer - things did not go as planned, but that's ok, we'll just keep on going.
A masterful work, and I can't wait to read the next book! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you. I thought it would be a telling legacy for the ship if their innagural mission ended badly. How do you come back from that as a crew? How does a captain bring his/her people together after such an event.
Keep reading to find out. :-)
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:36 Title: Chapter 13
Woah, that was a tense confrontation!
You did a great job of portraying the moral dilemma Captain Sandhurst is facing and it is so interesting to see a Starfleet officer out of his depth and trying to swim. Makes a refreshing change, as I have already said, from the all-mighty Picard, or Sisko, or Janeway, who never really seemed not to know what to do.
Again, an excellent chapter and am looking forward to reading the last one!
Author's Response:
Yes, the situation has escalated way over Sandhurst's head, and he's well out of his depth. I'm pleased you're enjoying the moral quandry he and the crew find themselves thrust into.
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:27 Title: Chapter 12
Just a second review to add the rating I forgot last time!
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:26 Title: Chapter 12
I have to say this is as good if not better than a lot of current star trek novels. You have a real talent for choosing the right words to quickly and efficiently describe what you want to and your action scenes are great.
I loved the banter between Lar'ragos and the Klingon commander, as well as the TacNet you described.
Another strong chapter. Now I have to move on and finish!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the kind words! Much obliged.
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:14 Title: Chapter 11
Sorry it took me so long to carry on with this, but November was a b***h on my reading! :)
Anyway, a great chapter, lots of intrigue and it is interesting to see a captain who is more interested in following orders than going behind Starfleet's back when he feels like it. And I am intrigued to see how this whole situation with the Klingons will play out!
Author's Response:
Glad the Klingons have piqued your interest. ;-) Their arrival is an unwelcome new wrinkle in an already too complex equation.
Date: 30 Nov 2009 09:59 Title: Chapter 8
What a trial of fire for a crew that (on the surface) are really not prepared for it!
Fortunate then that the new Captain has a solid senior staff. Even Ramirez seems to be pulling her weight despite her earlier reservations.
Excellent writing, wonderfully paced, and a crew I can believe in.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. :-) Yes, it's quite true that neither the crew planet-side or those in orbit were prepared to be baptized in a trial-by-fire quite so quickly after arriving at Lakesh. Damn impolite of the insurgents, if you ask me!
Date: 21 Nov 2009 08:55 Title: Chapter 3
Well so much for continuing my own writing! I've been drawn into the world of the Gibraltar and her mission and to be honest I'm hooked.
The writing styles is impeccable. Situations and scenes drawn vividly in the mind's eye, locations described with enough detail to present that important 'theatre of the mind' picture, and a crew that is (to say the least) a mixed bag.
It would certainly appear from the first three chapters at least that Sandhurst will have his work cut out not only with a recalcitrant first officer, but with a crew composed of "activated reservists and career dead-enders", "newly commissioned ensigns" and "some of the Fleet’s problem children".
Not a command post that's likely to prove easy.
Add to that the problematic mission and the stage is set for an exposition in inter-personal and inter-racial conflict.
I repeat so much for continuing my writing! Where will I find the time now I'm knee deep in the Gibraltar series! LOL!
All told, very nice work!
(PS the 8 rating is only because I expect the rest of the story to drag me in further and require a higher rating - besides I don't want to over inflate your ego! LOL!)
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you've found the story so engrossing thus far! Thank you for the terrific review, and I'll try to keep the ego under control. ;-)
Date: 21 Oct 2009 15:45 Title: Chapter 10
Another great chapter! I loved the way you dealt with the aftermath here, good to get this glimpse into the thoughts of both Ramirez and Sandhurst. You showed the reactions of the crew to what had just happened in a fantastic way.
Loving this!
Author's Response:
Yes, who knew winning a battle could be such an angsty experience? ; ) But, as Sandhurst is now wondering... now what do they do?
Date: 20 Oct 2009 13:29 Title: Chapter 9
Wow! What a fantastic action chapter. Loved the tricky solution that Sandhurst used, though not sure how happy Starfleet are going to be at the fact he just destroyed one of their ships...
Author's Response:
Well, Sojourner was pretty much a complete wreck anyway, and I think Starfleet will understand the logic of sacrificing one ship to save another, rather than lose both.
Thanks for commenting.
Date: 15 Oct 2009 18:55 Title: Chapter 3
There's something about Inish that hearkens back to their earliest days as the new "big bad" for TNG - I wonder how his actions will effect events in the coming chapters. This new Cardassian insurgency has me worried... once again, an excellent chapter!
Author's Response:
Many thanks! Yes, Inish is an 'old-school' DaiMon, no scruples and in it for pure profit. But, he knows a good deal when he sees one.
Date: 15 Oct 2009 15:16 Title: Chapter 8
Stranger and stranger... So who in the Federation would put that on there without warning them? Or is it someone else?
I like the way you reveal the Cardassian plans, now all we have to do is wait and see everything blow up in their faces... I hope! :)
Author's Response:
Who indeed? ; )
The Cardassian insurgent movement has a lot ridiing on this operation, making Gibraltar and Phoenix bigger targets than ever.
Thanks again for the terrific feedback!
Date: 15 Oct 2009 12:35 Title: Chapter 7
Sorry it has taken me so long to read more of this! However, what a great chapter to pick up on again! The fact that all of the people from Phoenix are stuck in some kind of paralysis is terrifying, and the fact that Ramirez is now assigned as acting CO of the ship is a great twist at the end!
Author's Response:
Thank you. : ) Ramirez has always wanted a command of her own, though not necessarily under these circumstances. And the new Cardassian insurgent weapon is terrifying indeed, most especially to its victims.
Date: 28 Sep 2009 08:49 Title: Chapter 6
Wow! An amazing chapter here - tense, kind of like the calm before the storm. I especially loved how you described the El-Aurian - i don't know if anyone has ever described their 'ability' before, but I love what you've done with it.
Well done!
Author's Response:
Thanks. And yes, this is very much the calm before the storm.
Date: 18 Sep 2009 15:01 Title: Chapter 5
Wow! Hugely intense. Really well-written, you've really created a tense situation here. And the secret weapon does not bode well... At all!!!!
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed it. As for tension, there's more on the way...
Date: 15 Sep 2009 16:03 Title: Chapter 4
Another great chapter - I love the way you introduced each of the characters, giving Captain Sandhurst a chance to interact with almost all of them before the meeting started. Very well done!
Author's Response:
Thanks! It was clearly not the best of circumstances given their mission profile, but at least they were able to have a briefing together prior to reaching the colony.
Date: 11 Sep 2009 17:45 Title: Chapter 1
An excellent first installment of what will hopefully be an incredibly good series. I'll admit, when the focus ship in question turned out to be a Constitution Class, I had some major reservations about the series - but the reservations were quickly brushed aside when we met the main characters. Main characters are the be-all and end-all of a fanfiction series because, ultimately, it doesn't matter how cool your ship is or how brilliant in concept your plot is, if your protagonists suck then you're up a creek without a paddle. And, in that regard (and others), Gibraltar doesn't disappoint - we're presented with some interesting heroes, a traditional Big 3 (a la TOS) in Sandhurst, Ramirez and Pava along with a handful of background characters.
The Big 3 stand out - this is a story that's primarily about them (and whilst other series handle the ensemble act with skill, this show works with the focus on the ensemble) and they're interesting enough to stand out as 3D. I'm beginning to get the fascination that everyone had with Pava, comparing and contrasting him with Solly Brin, when I was ploughing my way through the Bluefin Chronicles.
But for me, there's something about Ramirez that interests me. I think it's her that I'm going to be interested in seeing development - especially as I know some of the future developments from reading Bluefin.
Kudos on a great opening story and now I'm pushing on to the second one.
Author's Response:
Thanks very much. I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I hope you find the rest of the series equally compelling.
Date: 11 Sep 2009 08:33 Title: Chapter 3
Another great chapter, introducing another level to the intrigue - you've written Inish and Urlak really well, providing them with fully fledged personalities. Lovin' it so far
Author's Response:
Very glad to hear it. Thanks for commenting! :)
Date: 11 Sep 2009 08:27 Title: Chapter 2
Love the Sandhurst/Ramirez relationship already - you know how much I like a tense captain/commander relationship! :)
Author's Response:
I do indeed. I hope you find this one equally engrossing.
Date: 11 Sep 2009 08:26 Title: Chapter 1
What a first chapter! Love the Sojourner bit at the end.
On to the next chapter...
Author's Response:
Much obliged.
Date: 23 Aug 2009 03:40 Title: Chapter 14
Wow. Heartbreaking.
I can't wait to see if future missions help Sandhurst become redeemed in his own eyes, and bring him closer to Ramirez. I also wonder if Pava is to be trusted. I mean, if Sandhurst wonders, I have to wonder, right? After all, they're good friends.
Author's Response:
It's tough for a crew to start off on an assignment with a mission failure, and even harder for a brand new captain. As for Lar'ragos, he's a complex creature, and nobody (including him) is ever fully sure of what he's capable of.
Date: 23 Aug 2009 01:28 Title: Chapter 10
Pava's a good friend for Sandhurst, keeping him accountable. Every captain needs a friend like that.
I'm glad Ramirez is all right -- I was nervous for her when she got shoved into an escape pod with a head injury.
Date: 23 Aug 2009 01:13 Title: Chapter 9
Wow, that was an intense battle. I really liked Faltyne a lot here. And Sandhurst was clever, sending the Sojourner on a collision course.
Author's Response:
Sometimes pure desperation breeds brilliance. Faltyne is an interesting character, and he certainly deserves better than he got in this circumstance.
Date: 22 Aug 2009 13:05 Title: Chapter 7
That bio-weapon is some horrifying stuff.
Author's Response:
It is indeed.
Date: 20 Aug 2009 13:00 Title: Chapter 1
Nice to get that glimpse inside Sandhurst's head as he takes on the challenge of his first command. The detailed description of the post-war chaos and localized violence is realistic and gripping.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and commenting. :) Sandhurst is one of those people for whom the Dominion War created opportunities. If not for the war, it's likely he would never have taken up the challenge of command.