Reviews For Embers of the Fire
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Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2012 13:28 Title: Chapter 7

Wow, just completed a read through of three chapters in one go. Excellent story and well written. Well up there in my opinion as the best of Star Trek: fan fic and cannon. Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response:

Much obliged for the kind words, David.  I'm pleased you're enjoying the story so much.  There's a lot of action left to go.

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2012 11:46 Title: Chapter 4

An excellent chapter with pitch perfect writing, I do feel sorry for the ship and her crew, but she does seem as if she is prepared and ready for a mission just like this. I know it won't but lets hope it all goes to plan.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the comments, David.  Yes, they do have a plan going in... but few plans ever survive contact with the 'enemy.'

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 26 Apr 2011 23:34 Title: Chapter 3

Fantastic chapter, well written and brilliant characters. the bad guys do seem to be organised, how will an old ship cope with these new weapons?

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words.  Yes, Gibraltar has an especially challenging mission ahead.

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Apr 2011 22:00 Title: Chapter 2

An excellent chapter with some great introductions. The ship certainly has its charm and god knows I love the old ships as much as I love the new ones. Ramirez seems like a great character which could develop over time. Looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Yes, Ramirez is an interesting sort, thought she brings a lot of baggage with her to this assignment.  ;)

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 16 Apr 2011 20:29 Title: Chapter 1

Wow, a great start to a story. I love the Captain, think he has as much positives as he does negatives, will be interested to see him develop over the stories, can' believe I waited so long to read this story.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review, David!  And yes, Captain Sandhurst has quite the journey ahead of him.

Reviewer: Soquilii Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Sep 2010 20:03 Title: Chapter 1

I'm beginning to read your series and so far find it fascinating. Your characterization of Capt. Donald Sandhurst is very well done. I'm starting to think I'm out of my league here with such good writers... As time allows I'll head to the next chapter. Your writing style is excellent, concise and descriptive. I look forward to reading more!

Author's Response:

Many thanks for the terrific rewview. :-)  Yes, Sandhurst is a breed apart from the 'typical' Starfleet captain insofar as he has never yearned for the big chair.  Command is a burden that was thrust upon him, and one he accepted out of a sense of duty.  I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Aug 2010 04:50 Title: Chapter 14

Wow - a great end. I really like Lar'ragos' last words to M'Sharv. I'm sorry to see the Gibraltar's first mission end in failure, but even in the short time they've spent togeter, I can see that they've grown. Ending the story on DS9 was also a nice touch.

Vivid writing and an engaging story - I enjoyed it a lot! I also liked how you made an attempt to invent some new things in the Star Trek world, which I think the franchise needs badly. Also, your use of the post-war Cardassia to mirror the post-war Iraq is, well...very Star Trek. Well done!

So which one of their adventures would you recommend next?

Author's Response:

I'm very pleased you enjoyed the story, thank you for your reviews.  Gibraltar's crew definitely got a raw deal on this mission, and it won't be the last time they face such odds. 

The next story in the series (and one of my favorites) is Geometries of Chance.  I hope you find it equally engaging.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Aug 2010 02:57 Title: Chapter 13

You really have made the Klingons ruthless! I LIKE it! I think they should be much grittier and more fearsome than what we've seen on the shows. At some point, they just became tall guys with funny ridges that just grunted all of the time. K'Vada also seems like he's no fool.

I like how the situation on Cardassia loosely mirrors what happened in Iraq just after the war. We have good Cardassians, rebel Cardassians, and many dead Cardassians...and overall just a madly chaotic situation.

Author's Response:

The Klingons here are merely being who and what they are... shame on the Federation for forgetting that.  Good eye.  I began writing this story shortly after the beginning of the Iraqi insurgency, and I thought a similar situation would make for a good story examining the pitfalls of occupation, nationbuilding and post-war reconstruction in the wake of the Dominion War.

Glad you're enjoying it.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Aug 2010 05:02 Title: Chapter 12

I like that Lar'ragos has a calm and cool and emotional savvy that is typical of an El Aurian; it is useful for any crew and ship. And I'm glad that Ramirez is not afraid to talk to him openly about her troubles. It looks like she is learning how deal with with some of the scary things that can happen under your command.

Those SWIFTs are neat! That's something I would really be interested in seeing somewhere. You should design it.

Author's Response:

Pava can be a terrific sounding board for his comrades when he's got his head on straight.  Ramirez is indeed learning some brutal truths about the burdens of command, things she's going to have to make peace with over time.

Glad you liked the SWIFT's!  I thought they were pretty cool too. :-)

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2010 05:19 Title: Chapter 11

Wow, things will get more interesting now that the Klingons have entered the equation. I hope Lar'ragos' confidence in them isn't misplaced; I've always wanted to see more ruthless Klingons than what we've seen in the shows.

Author's Response:

Oh, they're ruthless, all right... but indescriminate in their target selection.  That bodes ill for the already traumatized populace of Lakesh.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2010 05:22 Title: Chapter 10

"No one really knows how much of the aura of command is pure theater until they’re sitting in the big chair.” - great quote.

It's nice the Sandhurst recognizes Ramirez' hard work and sacrifice (esp. after that!). Nice little character exchange here.

Author's Response:

I’m glad you liked the quote.  It’s one of the more sensible things Lar’ragos has ever said.

Sandhurst and Ramirez may still not be getting along at this point, but they’ve at least retreated to neutral corners for the time being.  We’ll see how long the detent lasts for.



Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2010 05:14 Title: Chapter 9

Yikes! There goes the Pheonix...things are starting to get ugly. Interesting move by Sandhurst, and I'm glad the Gibraltar is still standing.

Author's Response:

Yeah, after this whole mess those Starfleet personnel fortunate enough to get through this should be awarded 'I Survived Lakesh' T-shirts. ;-) 

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2010 03:51 Title: Chapter 8

A mystery is afoot...curious to know how a defense against the dimensional shift transporter was put in place. Even more curious that it was constructed by someone from the Federation. Hmmm...maybe some involvement from Section 31?

Good for Ramirez for keeping Faltyne in check! She's got some command blood in her.

Author's Response:

Well, I could tell you who's involved but then they'd have to... well, you know.  ;-)

And yes, Ramirez definitely has the chops for command.  Faltyne would be ill-advised to underestimate her.



Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jul 2010 04:55 Title: Chapter 7

I like Ramirez’ frustration with the circumstances as she puts it in the context of her life and aspirations. She's fast becoming one of my favorite characters in your series. And now she's got a command.

Good luck, Ramirez!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and commenting... and as for the luck, thanks again, she's going to need it.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jul 2010 04:44 Title: Chapter 6

Tension rises...sorry to see the Phoenix suffer a poor fate so soon! Bioweaponry piques my interest. You've also managed to squeeze in some nice inter-character dialogue.

And nice take on the El Aurians. I've always loved their race; their history just seems so mysterious, cryptic, and well, tragic.

Hehe...Mr. Lar'ragos and your sarcasm...

Author's Response:

Pava can be a pill when he's irked, certainly. ;-)  Glad you enjoyed my take on the El Aurians and their unique talents.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jul 2010 03:49 Title: Chapter 5

The Federation is in a real tricky situation with the Cardassians, it seems like. On the one hand, they're remarkably active and dedicated in their relief missions, but on the other getting pummeled left and right. Tough luck; the good guys never seem to catch a break. A dark and realistic portrait of Cardassia.

Ooh - the dimensional-shift transporter - haven't seen that in a while. Nice to see it back. Ah yes, I remember the genetic damage that it causes. At least it doesn't turn the users into salamanders:)

Author's Response:

Starfleet is caught in the unenviable position of being both peackeepers and humanitarian relief workers, both of which make them valid targets to the Cardassian resistance.  And you're very correct, they are getting pummeled from all sides.

And though the dimensional-shift transporter won't turn you into a Voyager-esqu salamander, it can do plenty of damage nonetheless. 

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2010 23:34 Title: Chapter 3

Great setup for a powerful Cardassian character who is up to something drastic. Urlak seems like a guy who is very street-wise, someone with a quiet and powerful air to him (esp. a guy who has his hands on biomimetic gel). Very well written; you know how to richly describe your characters and universe (unlike my child-like writing). Curious about Urlak's plans that have 'already been set into motion.'

A little off topic, but I wrote a short piece a little while ago about how annoyed I got to see a futuristic society resort to bartering as a way of exchanging goods. This is obviously a consequence of Roddenberry's 'moneyless' economy, but it's hard to see how it could function efficiently. Just a side, it has nothing to do with your story:)

Author's Response:

Urlak is a dangerous man who sees himself as potentially the sole salvation of his people, making him even more unpredictable.  He has an unbelievable arsenal at his disposal, and the resources to acquire even more, as his dealings with DaiMon Inish demonstrate.

Though he has significant wealth at his fingertips, Urlak knows Inish will meet any demand in order to possess the bio-mimetic gell, which gives the legate superior bargaining power.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jun 2010 01:36 Title: Chapter 2

There it is! Constitution-class! I can see your love for 23rd century class ships. Interested to see how the Gibraltar fares in the late 24th century post-war period.

Author's Response:

She's a grand old girl, to be sure, but things take longer and more effort for an AARP-carrying ship like her than they do for these new-fangled 24th century designs!  ;)

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jun 2010 04:44 Title: Chapter 1

You’ve really contributed a lot to this website! Like I said earlier, I'm still a little new and just starting to really get into other people's great stories. You have a lot here; I assume it is ok to start with Embers of the Fire?

I think it’s really interesting that you and I have a similar tone and setup to our universes. That is, a post-Dominion war universe in which everyone must work together and deal with the aftermath of that war (although mine stretches out for decades). This seems to be largely ignored in most post-DS9 universes, in my view. I really like the picture you’ve painted of post-war Cardassia; and you’re right, it’s not just ‘800 million dead’ and that’s it; there are likely to be huge issues that Cardassia has to deal with following the Dominion occupation.

Vivid descriptions, a great setup, and I like the background of Captain Sandhurst. He feels very real. Looking forward to reading the rest!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!  Yes, the immediate post-war period got very short shrift in the 'canon' universe, owing to Voyager being on the opposite side of the galaxy.

I wanted to show what things were like in the socio-political quagmire that followed, where all the Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers are jostling for position in the power vaccum created by the near-collapse of the Cardassian Union and the weakening of the Romulans, the Klingons, and the UFP due to the war's losses.

I hope you continue to enjoy the story, and the series. :)

Reviewer: Malchya Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2010 08:37 Title: Chapter 4

This is simply great so far! It is an example of what I've always hoped for in a published novel and so very rarely found. Excellent grasp of setting. The shipboard details, so important to Star Trek and so often lacking in most stories, are both omnipresent and unobtrusive. I LOVE it!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and commenting! :-)  I'm pleased you're enjoying the story so far, as well as appreciating the level of detail I strove for with this tale.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2009 03:40 Title: Chapter 14

An excellent ending to a great story. Though his mission was considered a failure, I find myself thinking there is greatness there. A diamond in the rough.

Awesome stuff.

Author's Response:

Thank you for the reviews!  Yes, this was a rather ignomenious beginning for this crew's mission, but I believe they've been tested in the crucible and will be strengthened by the experience.  Well... most of them, anyway.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2009 03:34 Title: Chapter 13

Man...Klingons and their honor. It's looking rough for the crew. Hoping Sandhurst can pull something off here, but I don't think he can.

Author's Response:

Well, sometimes you get the Klingons, and sometimes the Klingons get you.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2009 03:17 Title: Chapter 11

As much as I dislike myself for it, I love K'Vada to death-old school Klingon ready for battle. Hope the Gibraltar can halt the Klingons from doing bad things, but a Connie vs. a Vorcha is not good odds for the Federation.

Author's Response:

Everyone in this equation is being true to themselves and their natures.  K'Vada is simply being what he is, as is Sandhurst... unfortunately for the both of them, their aims and practices are incompatible in this particular situation.  Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2009 23:56 Title: Chapter 9

That was a brillant battle scene. Bravo, bravo. Loved every minute of it.

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm pleased you enjoyed it.  What's not to like about dueling starships and a healthy dose of fear and desperation?  ;-)

Reviewer: unusualsuspex Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2009 08:41 Title: Chapter 1

Sorry! Missed the rating!

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