Date: 09 Jun 2015 17:59 Title: Still
Very well done. You get the emotions just right, the ambiance, and the characters. A terrific piece.
Date: 22 Jun 2013 16:16 Title: Still
This story made me see the flip side of the good and bad of both the Bajorans and Cardassians civilizations by using the parallel where the Bajorans overpowered the Cardassians, the ritual was simple and as both Kes7 and Jespah have said it poignant and moving.
It might not be normal cannon verse but the pain and feeling were real for a fallen friend and freedom fighter.
I did think use the Cardassian good memories, as the only way to mark the grave location was a touch of genius.
A simple and nice story about loss and trying to move on.
Date: 18 Jun 2013 00:25 Title: Still
The ritual, in particular, is poignant and graceful - exceptionally believable. You do a good job of creating sympathy, particularly for a character who, in canon, is hardly sympathetic at all. But it spins and it works, and that is a testament to your skills and your obvious affection for the characters.
I keep coming back to the ritual, the repetition of the names, the imagery of spiritual guidance, and the affirmation that there will be healing and there will be rejoicing, and that the remainder of the lives of the bereaved and those left behind, that it is not one long wail of despair. There is an acknowledgement that bereavement does, eventually, come to an end, as the survivors go on, having learned from the experience, grown and changed.
Well done!
Date: 13 Apr 2012 15:22 Title: Still
Beautiful. I'm so glad you brought this to the archives. If I'm not mistaken, this is expanded from what was posted for the prompt ... if so, I like the added details. They aren't too much, just enough. A very moving piece that perfectly captures the grief and simultaneous hope that a religious person feels when a loved one passes out of this life. Nicely done.
Author's Response:
Actually, this was a direct copy-paste job from the forum.
After the rough day I had today, finding this review really meant a lot to me. I really appreciate it.