Reviews For Fate and Love
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 May 2014 22:59 Title: Fate and Love

Hmmm, I wonder, should I start a Hank/Nick ship? ... I've a feeling the Bethany gang would kill me, especially as it has taken so long for that particular pair to get together. Still, Nick has been ever loyal to Hank, seems to understand him and knows the buttons to press. Just sayin' stranger things can and have happened.

Now, usually I'd wax lyrical about Bethany being under Hank's nose the whole time and his not realising his true feelings (all of that is true) however this line I think is the most telling for me currently, as it hints to your big end game:

“My fate theory,” he leaned back, “is entirely correct. How can you explain my life and yours? There isn’t any random occurrences in the universe. History proves that.”

May be that Hank is entirely correct.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Oct 2013 18:35 Title: Fate and Love

Poor Hank a believer in destiny in a cold scientific universe, having read so much of Hank in the WFW, I can’t believe he doesn’t realise he met his special one already.

Still that the joy of Hank his up beat and keep trying attitude but how thing go wrong he can pick himself up and reflect on the situation.

So typical of Hank that he realise the importance of a friend like Nick Fulton and yet he knows that a best friend and lover are such different things and one has need of both.

A great little short story that helps expands on both character relationships.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2013 00:52 Title: Fate and Love

Ah, a tale of contrast. Hank is just one of those people were things just don't work out. It's a slog to get that degree, there are many pitfalls with ones job, things just don't work out with the opposite sex. I wouldn't say Hank is a loser but he is definitely unlucky, although an unlucky streak can't go on forever...

Whereas Nick, events just seem to work out for him. Hence why Hank touched upon fate and a greater force at work. It's intriguing how you touched upon fate and God from a character who seems to be not religious or spiritually minded. But maybe Hank is in the wrong mindset and the more he believes he is not lucky, then the more bad luck he receives.

A curious and quirky little tale!

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2011 06:11 Title: Fate and Love

I always liked Nick, he's one of my favourite characters from the Pearl. And here I have an example why I like his--he's a good friend and a good supporter. He made me laugh out loud saying that maybe Hank's other, destined half is a "he."

Hank doesn't realise that yet, but the fact that he can't find a girl for himself is because his heart has already chosen and doesn't want to settle for anyone else than that particular person. It's not fate, it's just that he's looking for a copy of someone and can't find it.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2009 19:26 Title: Fate and Love

An adorable story about both romantic love and platonic love! I really adored this, but then again, I really adore the Pearl and crew. I had to go clean up the HTML mess (I hope you don't mind). And are you gonna submit this to the challenge? It's bang-on!

Author's Response:

Oh yeah! That's what I forgot to do. I meant to submit this to the challenge. Whoops, I'll do that now.


Thanks for the comments.

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