Reviews For Habit
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Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Jan 2012 16:32 Title: Chapter 1

It maybe is the order of things that the Vorta rule and the Jem'Hadar follow orders, but the level of contempt between the Vorta in command and the Jem'Hadar under that command was always unbelievably high. I always wondered if this was one of ways the Founders made sure the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar wouldn't ally themselves against the Founders.

Omet'iklan and Weyoun 4 aren't any different: they distrust each other, despise each other and Omet'iklan did something in the end that happens very rarely. Weyoun crossed the line and I think he realised that, but didn't want to admit it.

This might be the very conversation that made the First decide to eliminate the faulty Vorta, who was a poor soldier that took everything personally.

Another great story! Waiting for more :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I've been re-watching DS9 and when I got to 'To the Death' I was really struck by the level of contempt that you mention. Weyoun 4 had a serious attitude problem.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2012 16:01 Title: Chapter 1

Well this is the second tlae of yours I have read and it is clear you are a Dominion/Vorta fan. By that I mean you clealry size up the complex hierarchical structures upon whihc the Dominion is so precariously based. You fish about the complex weave of supposed decorums around one another and how that supposed trend is bucked and serves to cause difficulties all round.

Here we see such a masterclass with a Vorta and his Jem'hadar first having a rather frank conversation. One that sees Weyoun's character revealled in lots of interesting ways. From the implication that there was somehting more to him and Eris, to his anger at being counselled by a First. We also got great insights into how he viewed his ability and purpose to manipulate others and how Sisko was a rather irksome in not being so easily manipulated. Great.

Love the shades and complexities you add to the whole Dominion side of things and to the characters themselves. Your First was not just a soldier clone - though he was that too - but you added a degree of gravitas to him and made him seem dignified and have a purpose and reason for going to Weyoun as well as being a troubling presence to the Vorta. Nice.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Yes, I'm a massive Dominion fan, particularly the Vorta. I always wanted to see more of its inner workings in DS9, but I suppose that's what fanfiction is for! Thanks again for your kind review. :)

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