Reviews For Original sin
Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2011 04:53 Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Yes, so true and then this other Weyoun 7 ? was such a jerk and mass-murderer... I love the complexity of the Weyoun's childlike innocence mixed with cruelty.
Date: 31 Dec 2011 04:53 Title: Chapter 1
As I wrote on dA, it's a sad and tragic story.
All those little things that Weyoun 6 enjoys, things we take for granted and don't pay that much attention--for him they are little treasure of life, even if they are trivial to anyone else.
There is a strong need to be happy and satisfied with life, something that no previous clone felt, or even thought about. The Founders made Vorta machines and this one doesn't want to be only a machine. He is full of emotions, urges, needs and longing. Maybe that's why he fell such an easy prey to Weyna.
He was too fragile, too delicate and too compassionate to survive. His sacrifice for Odo--seeing what kind of person he was--was not surprising at all.
Author's Response: Yes, so true and then this other Weyoun 7 ? was such a jerk and mass-murderer... I love the complexity of the Weyoun's childlike innocence mixed with cruelty.