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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 May 2012 10:10 Title: Spock.

I have wanted Spock and Chapel to get together my entire life. I love that he's thinking about her! I love even more that he's trying not to, bc for Spock that means his emotions are engaged. Nice work!

Author's Response: thank you. Chapel presents that problem to him of someone who cares for him yet he's a Vulcan. Even if he is half-Vulcan. It works from time to time.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2011 23:22 Title: Spock.

I like the ping-ponging of thoughts, how the subject is, understandably, all over the place.

Spock - and a lot of Vulcans, it seems - is definitely one for denial, eh?

What would Freud have done with him, I wonder.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Dec 2011 18:34 Title: Spock.

In the words of Spock, 'fascinating'. A very subtle piece here Mac. But with the others adds to a nice mosaic picture of the big three and how they often turn to one another in the strangest of ways and how they equally deflect and turn away when their need is often pressing. 

Author's Response: Thanks indeed MF. It's not the most complicated piece on Spock but I gave it a bash.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Dec 2011 01:45 Title: Spock.

Man, it seems like the three of them are out-of-sorts tonight. ;-)  I like how you show Spock's muddled thoughts here, in the way they bounce from one unrelated topic to the next, all in an effort not to think about the one that's really disturbing him.  How very like our resident Vulcan, to deny, or attempt to sweep under the rug, the topic he would find the most distressing.  After all, if we pretend it's not there then we don't have to deal with it, right? ;-)

A suitable ending to the trilogy, which shows some clever insight into the personal lives of the Big Three.  Nice work!

Author's Response: Spock's always tricky to write. He's Vulcan and like my writing of T'Pol tends to get left aside as he's reduced to the same dialogue, T'Pol though his background leaves a lot for writing. Indeed, the three were in a bind that night. Just as well they got their schtick together for the morning. :) My thanks again. I do but blush with the praise.

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