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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Feb 2012 18:46 Title: Part X

Very lovely, and very believable.

Author's Response: Aww thank you! It's VERY tricky to write Awkward Relationship Conversation Jean-Luc. The fact that Alex is not exactly THAT much more experienced in that matter doesn't make it easier either, lol. It took me a while to get this scene right, as always when I write romantic!Jean-Luc. Glad you like it AND that it's believable!

Reviewer: QueensJenn Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2011 18:20 Title: Part IV

I see romance a-brewin'!

Author's Response: With Timothy? Naah. I actually wanted to have a STRAIGHT character for a change, lol!

Reviewer: QueensJenn Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2011 06:19 Title: Part III

And we have first contact!

Alex seems pretty confident, which is good. I doubt Picard would be very interested in someone who turns into babbling fool around him! I see good things coming for Alex ;)

Author's Response: Agreed. Jean-Luc would dismiss poor Alex as a simple fanboy if he were unable to form a coherent sentence in his presence. A little nervousness was to be expected, though, it doesn't happen every day that you come this close to a man you've admired from afar for quite a while. XD Haha yes. This was First Contact. Indeed. Thank you for the review! :)

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2011 03:23 Title: Part II

It's so nice to "see" Guinan in a fanfic.  I loved this chapter just for that!  I thought you portrayed her well.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Guinan is one of my favorite characters as well, although she is very hard to write somehow. But I'm glad you think I managed to 'get her right'! :)

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2011 19:28 Title: Part I

Great start...I assume this is the Alex whom I will be interviewing soon. So I will keep reading and see what I can learn about him. Me? I had a crush on Beverly Crusher for years. I think it was before the term MILF was, to each their own.

Author's Response: Yes, that's him indeed! ;) Older men are the way to go indeed. Especially when they're Jean-Luc Picard, lol.

Reviewer: QueensJenn Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 04:57 Title: Part II

"I didn't say you're supposed to shoot at customers..."

Ahaha...Guinan and her rifle. I never knew what to make of her on the actual show, but I really like her here. Can't wait for the next part!

Author's Response: Guinan is one of my favorite characters to involve, so, I was quite thrilled when Alex "told" me that he wanted to be a bartender since it meant for Guinan to show up. Hehe. She is also quite hard to write since you never know what exactly she's up to. I'm glad you liked this latest part! :) Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: QueensJenn Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2011 21:20 Title: Part I

Ooh, I like this :D. I like Alex quite a bit, how lucky he was to win the contest! He's fun to read about, and I hope the next part goes up soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you like him. I'm sure he's quite flattered now. XD Not sure when I'm gonna have the time to work on the next part, but it is high on my priority list, yes. :)

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