Date: 29 May 2012 09:56 Title: A Tale of Silence (Kirk)
That was a nice story! I never thought of how hard it would be for Kirk to get a few minutes to himself, yet that's how I feel when I want to read undisturbed!
Author's Response: Ah yes, there's more shades of Kirk in Wrath of Khan here than the TOS version. On a starship spare room is hard to find I'd imagine when you most want it. My thanks once more.
Date: 11 Dec 2011 18:23 Title: A Tale of Silence (Kirk)
That was neat Mac. I really like the humour of the piece, Kirk man of action and adventure simply trying to read a book and frustrated at every turn. It was good to see him in this light and I like how you try to imbue TOS Kirk with the touches of TMPera Kirk, specifically that of TWoK I was always imagine.
Author's Response: Thanks MF. As I say (probably!) the TWOK-TSFS-TVH trilogy influenced me a lot from when I was a kid and most of my TOS writing seems to reflect that era even if it's the series era rather than the movies I'm writing. It's the same man after all, I doubt he suddenly became interested in antiques after the Five Year Mission. :)
Date: 11 Dec 2011 01:18 Title: A Tale of Silence (Kirk)
That was sweet, Mac. A humorous look at our poor, overworked starship captain, just trying to find a few minutes alone; find a little slice of peace and quiet on what to him at present feels to be a way too overcrowded ship. We tend to see Kirk in moments of crisis or action; I, for one, enjoy seeing these off-duty snippets of everyday life.
Author's Response: Even Kirk needs his off moments. I guess this owes a lot to TWOK especially that image of Kirk in the shuttle. He's a frontier captain but surely he's human? :) My thanks for the review as ever.