Date: 17 Sep 2014 15:44 Title: Chapter 8
This is one of my favorite Dukat stories ever. I like your description of Dukat, I like the way you write him. You have managed to capture the difference between Cardassian and Human thinking so well without sounding judgmental or sentimental. Two opposing mind-sets that can’t be brought together. I adore Dukat’s rage in Chapter 7, it is just as realistic and typical of him as his tantrum in “Waltz.†As for Mixie, some people are really too soft and too spoiled and begin realizing their own potential and priorities only when hardships grab them by the throat. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Date: 04 Jun 2012 02:21 Title: Chapter 1
I really liked this story. Mixie goes through hell and you do a great job of destroying her piece by piece. It's a sadistic situation with a sadistic outcome (until the end). You write Dukat very well and you have a knack for exposing his contradictions: caring lover in one hand, a crazy sadistic control freak in the other.
It was good fun to read and you created a character I actually cared about. So good job toying with this reader's emotions; like a good writer should!
Author's Response: Hehe, never before has it been a compliment for someone to say that toying with emotions is good! Usually it's "You man-eating $&@^*!!" Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really like Mixie because she's stronger than she thought. And, this'll be something that has made her stronger and better later on.
Thanks so much for your compliments!
Date: 01 Apr 2012 06:46 Title: Chapter 6
So, finally she decided to try her luck and do something. That's risky, but I think staying and hoping for the best would also be risky and eventually end badly for her. And Dukat would protect her only as long as he needed her.
And the other woman...we'll see who she is.
Date: 17 Mar 2012 11:26 Title: Chapter 5
Wow that is so like Dukat! Always manipulative around women, funny thing is he virtually told Mixie this relationsip would not last long... Good stuff!
Author's Response: Thanks!! I'm having a lot of fun writing it. I'm strongly considering following in the brilliant footsteps of Gul Re'jal and Nerys Ghemor as far as creating my own series goes. I'm having a ball writing Dukat, so you never know!
Date: 17 Mar 2012 08:13 Title: Chapter 5
Skilled manipulator! He made her tell him she loved him and something tells me that in a twisted, weird way he also believes she meant it, even though he forced her to say that.
What's more interesting than that is that he needed her to say it. It's like lying to himself. He needs to feel admired and he's ready to get that admiration any way he can. It's very canon Dukat :)
Date: 17 Mar 2012 05:05 Title: Chapter 4
Interesting working of the universtal translator--that she could hear Dukat clicking and not translated from Cardassian to Federation Standard for her and clicking for the aliens. Did he set some setting to make it that way?
Drip. Drip. Drip. Almost the "Chinese torture" ;)
But Dukat...oh, my...
Does he think he owns her? She's his personal possession, his toy, so the aliens won't touch her? "I came back for you." Pfft. It wasn't his care; he just wants to use her!
Date: 15 Mar 2012 06:53 Title: Chapter 3
He charmed her to sex after squeezing her throat. That's some charmer! LOL
So, they're not alone on this planet. And to think she thought Dukat was her biggest problem and threat.
Date: 15 Mar 2012 04:47 Title: Chapter 2
I had to re-read Chapter 1 to recall what happened first :P
Ok, so we end up with a cliffhanger. Somehow, I didn't expect Dukat to make such an aggressive move that quickly. I'd thought he'd rather charm her first, or at least try to. But then, he might be irritated by cold, cuffs and her uselessness. If he sees her as someone who lowers his chances of survival, he wouldn't hesistate to "dispose" of her immediately.
Or maybe he's just testing her and will let her go in a moment? Who knows...
Author's Response: Haha, I'm sorry about that. If it makes you feel better, I'm on page two and just about 20 words shy of 1000. This one is a bit shorter, but I'm feelin' pretty good right now, so I'm hoping that I can get this chapter done or close to done tonight. Nerys shared some similar thoughts on dA. I know neither of you want spoilers, so I won't share, but I do hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Date: 21 Nov 2011 00:32 Title: Chapter 1
So we're starting from a known place and this is our point of divergence. Gul Dukat is caught and to the long like of his crimes this one can be now added: attacking Dax.
I wonder where you're going with this :)