Reviews For Adrift
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Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2011 14:27 Title: Chapter 2

Wow, Tomalak's words that he's almost glad that Romulus went boom! are chilling and disturbing. He might be glad that the political mess was eliminated, but the planet wasn't inhabited by politcians only. Is he blinded by losing Donatra so much that he can't feel anything for millions of innocent people?

Bochra seems to have a bit more heart.

I wonder who's coming to their "rescue."

Author's Response: Oh, definitely. Bochra has had a lot of time to heal and get things in perspective, while Tomalak's wound is still pretty fresh. In about 10 years, he'll have a 'Please tell me I did NOT say that out loud' moment when he thinks of that statement, haha XD

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