Date: 10 Oct 2011 02:27 Title: Act Five
I'm happy to see Shar returning to DS9! He's one of my favourite characters from the novels. That said, I'm not at all impressed by his attempt to cheat on his big family and I fully agree with Prynn--it's not okay. She made the right thing refusing to have any relationship with a married man (and married with three other people at that!).
As I said on TrekBBS forum, I'm not sure I'd have a conversation with my own father about my sexual life, but maybe such things changed in the past centuries (or future centuries from my point of view). Or Prynn is just open about subjects like that.
Good to see that Odo didn't cut Taran'atar to pieces after getting news of the Jem'hadar attack on her. Of course, Odo is above petty bloody revenge.
This was a good, interesting episode :)
Author's Response: Well, I still say that Prynn wasn't talking about her sex life. She just mentioned that she briefly considered dating women. That's not the same thing as explicit sexual descriptions, not by a long shot.