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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2012 18:34 Title: Act Five

Things are getting rather weird: the Ohalavar movement, alternate universes, Founders searching for their OWN god... I'm starting to wonder what is real and what isn't it because it all seems very strange, a bit too strange.

I did enjoy this story though, however I get the feeling that the following stories require a rather good knowledge of the DS9R books...

Author's Response:

The beginning of the season was specifically designed to tie off loose ends and put everything back into place after the big mess it was in at the end of last season. As it goes on, the season gets slightly less dependent on what went before... and then more dependent again. But hopefully I'll have explained what you need to know when you need to know it.

As for the Founders' God, the Progenitor was also an invention of season 9. The idea was that the Founders are infertile, they have no way of reproducing. But since they can still be killed, they are slowly dying out. That's the real reason they created the Dominion - to protect themselves - and the reason they sent out the Hundred - to lure the Progenitor back in, the entity some of them believe created their people, to save them. It worked, the Progenitor returned... and then the Ascendants killed it. The resulting existential despair led the Founders to abandon the Link and disperse out into the galaxy, leading to the state the Dominion is in now.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2012 18:25 Title: Act Four

Some really odd mysteries going on here. As for the Prophets and their timeline, I kind of imagine they see every point in time, or any point they wish to see. But add all these alternate universes... There are potentially an infinite number, so how the Prophets could make sense of it all I don't know.

Author's Response:

The alternate universes bit came into it in "season 9", which revealed that all Siskos, in all alternate universes, were supposed to all be their respective Emissaries. And the fact the Mirror Universe version of Sisko was already dead had left kind of a vacuum that demanded to be filled - something Iliana Ghemor intended to do. That led to the convoluted plan Sisko and Vaughn are arguing over. That the Prophets set this plan in motion based on Sisko's own advice about alternate universes is my own invention.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2012 18:12 Title: Act Two

I like all this Bajoran politics amongst the Vedek Assembly. Seems the two canditates are politically motivated (i.e. fundamentalist) then spiritually motivated.

Author's Response:

I've been subtly casting Solis as kind of my Obama figure - how the opposition will tie themselves into knots trying to find something to accuse him of, when what's underneath it all is just a bigoted dislike of who and what he is. It's not a big part of things, just background info.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2012 15:14 Title: Act One

I rather enjoyed that chapter, and Opaka is there to? Clearly a lot of crazy stuff happened in the DS9R books! Rebecca was really cute, and I thought Sisko's dialogue was spot on. It sounded like Sisko...

Poor Odo; now he will probably never return to Kira because he has the impossible task of managing the Dominion without the Great Link helping him. Or maybe the Jem'Hadar will go all crazy, fight amongst themselves (seems like they already are) and there won't be a Dominion left. In that case Odo will have no choice but to return to DS9 as it is the only home he has left...

I hope Odo and Kira meet up in your series... Would be really sweet...

Author's Response:

After a few years on the Ennis planet, Opaka was rescued by... ironically... an Ascendant. She met Jake on his adventures on the Even Odds (the pirate ship from ep 1) and together they discovered another species called the Eavoq, on the Gamma end of the wormhole, who had been influenced by the Prophets. Then she came back to Bajor and has been politely declining people's requests that she take back over as Kai again.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2012 14:55 Title: Teaser

Aw! Kira sounds a bit like Janeway with that family reference! I really getting into the script format; it's short, it flows and can be surprisingly descriptive at times.

I'm still reeling a bit mentally though because of the name of Sisko and Kasidy's child; Rebecca. I've never read any DS9R books so I had no idea whether Kasidy's unborn baby was a boy or girl. Being forced to improvise for one of my stories (which is part of a separate trek-verse after the Dominion war) I came up with the same name by sheer chance!

Egads! But I'm looking forward to this birthday party! Hopefully all four Siskos will be there...

Author's Response:

I haven't brought Joseph in if that's what you mean. He appeared in earlier DS9-R novels, but I didn't really have a role for him in my stories. As for Dax, I got it muddled before - she's only a Lieutenant at this point, but gets promoted to Lieutenant Commander in a later episode.

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