Date: 28 May 2013 03:47 Title: The First Time
Oh, Hank. To be relegated to the Junior Science Club. I can only imagine how annoying that would be. I love his meeting with Chris. Especially considering how things go down later, it's particularly poignant. I also get a real kick out of Hank's daredevil attitude there. "Screw science, let's go explore!" Of course, it doesn't end up the way it should, but he's right -- it is fun. I kind of have to be enamoured with the mental image of a pissed off Hartlocke picking up this young cub of an ensign and probably quite wanting to shake him.
Date: 11 Feb 2012 00:08 Title: The First Time
Ha! Awesome!
In Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, the most famous stage direction (possibly of all time) is "Exit, pursued by a bear."
So now it's, "Beam out, pursued by a bear."
Date: 03 Oct 2011 00:58 Title: The First Time
What?! Why did he shoot? Is that protocol?!
I thought this was a pretty real moment between two men I love in their future as seasoned senior officers, but it was also a huge peek into their immaturity back in the day. Interesting piece.
Date: 11 Sep 2011 06:21 Title: The First Time
"Fun...sir" That killed me, LOL!
So that's how Chris and Hank met! Being chased by bears with spikes! A lot fo fun, indeed ;)
Date: 23 Jul 2011 22:30 Title: The First Time
I dunno who is more incompetent, Harrison or Hartlocke. I mean if Hartlocke is the away team leader, shouldn't he have done some more checking before beaming down onto that planet teaming with nasty bear like creatures?
As for Harrison maybe he strayed into those creatures's territory and angered them. He definitely did so by stunning the first bear-like creature he encountered.
Anyway good story, engaging, flowing and with witty dialogue.