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Reviewer: Jean-Luc Picard Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jan 2012 04:01 Title: The Final Possession

Huh. I did wonder what Keevan was doing during the war after his death and probable "download" (borrowing from BSG).

I also like how sleazy you make Keevan. After all, he was willing to send his crew to their deaths and then abandon Quark at Empok Nor.

Author's Response: Yeah, I tend to think of the Vorta as 'downloading' like in BSG. To me that seems to be a reasonable explanation. Haha, the motivation behind this was less about making Keevan sleazy and more about...well, let's just say that no one would have to twist my arm if I were the woman in such a situation. Haha!! Keevan is my biggest crush, then Weyoun as far as Vorta go.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07 Jun 2011 16:45 Title: The Final Possession story. Who cares if the Vorta have sexual organs or not...that was a great story. On a scale from one to ten, I give it 10 cold showers!!!


Author's Response: Haha, thank you Rob! I'm glad I found it to put here.

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jun 2011 13:51 Title: The Final Possession

I didn't think that the Vorta were functional that way. I always thought that the Founders removed all reproduction possibility from "the chosen individuals" not to let them have kids, but to keep cloning them.

That also wouldn't be surprising if all his "skill" was just another programmed by the Founders feature to be used against enemies--to seduce them. And Keevan is only "practising."

Author's Response: You know, it probably says somewhere that they don't have the organs, but I don't remember....anything. Haha, I forget things, so I don't know where it's actually written but I'm sure it is. But, to me it makes sense for them to at least have the equipment (even if it doesn't serve a biological purpose) because it is amazing how much control you can have over someone through sex. That was what I was thinking because while they might be sterile, I see it as being reasonable that everything works for that purpose.

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