Date: 25 May 2015 07:55 Title: Splinters and Shards
There are so many elements in play in this fic - you do so much in under 500 words a chapter!

Date: 22 May 2015 03:51 Title: Splinters and Shards
ODO! Yes, with the save and a brilliant manuever at that. Bravo, sir, bravo.
Date: 21 May 2015 23:28 Title: Splinters and Shards
Wow, lots of twists and turns in this. I can almost laugh at the fact, despite the ship being attacked and likely to blow up around them, Kira is determined to work on the bomb. Until Odo decides otherwise. And was he the vole too? Like how it might mirror his introduction in the Prime verse canon too.
Nicely done. Lots of action. Lots of intrigue. Lots of possibilities. Lots of touches with canon and yet new and exciting twists and turns on the character interactions.

Date: 21 May 2015 12:24 Title: Splinters and Shards
Odo does creep up into the weirdest of places, doesn't he?
Again, executed (heh) perfectly, very moody and scary. In few words and very short order, the reader is sucked right back in.
Date: 21 May 2015 12:10 Title: Splinters and Shards
Odo? Is that you?!
Well, we have Kira and Odo in the same place (maybe). I can't wait to see where that will go.
As is par for the course with you, this is a fun roller coaster ride, and I'm not sure what the next turn will bring. A drop? A loop? A sideways curve? No matter. Wherever it goes, it's bound to be a fun ride, and I've got my safety bar dropped and locked, so I'm not going anywhere. :)
Date: 21 May 2015 10:50 Title: Splinters and Shards
Another unexpected twist, well done. Looks as if Odo and Kira are not exactly friends in this reality. So much for blowing them all up. Of course there's still Worf and the Klingons to worry about. And from the looks of things, he battle is already joined.