Date: 25 May 2015 07:50 Title: Calm Before the Storm
Wow, great build-up of tension!
Date: 20 May 2015 18:29 Title: Calm Before the Storm
Oh, Sisko's going to let everyone burn to save Jake. I can't say I blame him, he's got to know the Federation and Starfleet are probably going to fall somewhere inside him. Seeing a young Ensign Hawk was a nice callback to (will he survive here? Dude needs to live somewhere!). The stage has been set and the first act is about to come to a close ... :)
Date: 20 May 2015 17:37 Title: Calm Before the Storm
Yipes! Crumbs! Shit! Great!
Date: 20 May 2015 13:41 Title: Calm Before the Storm
Is Ensign Hawk the same person as Lt. Hawk from First Contact? Because that would make me happy.
On to more relevant things ... so Sisko is in on the plan. Understandable, given his plight, but he's no Kirk -- apparently he believes in the no-win situation. That's rather fitting for his character, who was far more ambiguous in his morals and more pragmatic in his dealings than Kirk ever was.
I wonder if he plans to go down with the ship, knowing that he'll never find out whether the Klingons kept their word ...
Author's Response: Yep, Hawk is the same Hawk! So you can be happy! :) Thanks for the comment, glad that the situation fits with Sisko, although I tend to think the Prime Sisko would have been a little more unwilling to go along with the Klingons.

Date: 20 May 2015 13:06 Title: Calm Before the Storm
Hawk! I love the connection to the movieverse. I take it, is Idaris a part of the Dax line?
Again, you are perfectly weaving together canon and AU and making for an enjoyable and believable story.
Author's Response: Yay, you recognised Hawk! I was looking for conn officers who would be about the right age to be here, who would be recognisable without being another major character and he fit right in! Glad you're liking this! As for Idaris, I would suggest looking the name up on Memory Beta... :)
Date: 20 May 2015 10:20 Title: Calm Before the Storm
And so it begins. I cannot condone what Sisko has done here, even if I can understand it. Spock would also be most disappointed, after all the needs of the many and all that jazz. Well maybe not all is yet lost ... Even though it's hard to see how anything good can come out of this. Great build up of tension right here.
Author's Response: No, Sisko's actions are definitely not condoneable. As to Spock's reaction... I guess we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully the tension building will lead to something you'll all enjoy - I'm hoping to surprise you all with the ending!