Date: 20 May 2015 17:35 Title: Serpents in the Grass
Kira hascause to be angry. But typically DS9 morality stakes coming into play you consider whether her anger is truly justified, whether it is properly targetted, or whether her path is more destructive and disasterous in the long run. DS9 took the whole ambiguity of the different sides and perspectives and played them out really well over the 7 years. Here, you have done so to an extraordinary degree and all within 150 words so far. That's a mean feat. Additionally, I like this this AU so much better than the camp Mirror Universe of DS9. It actually fits better with the tone of the series and its over arching themes and arcs in many ways to play out this Klingon vs Starfleet Yesterday's Enterprise universe. Or certainly, you are selling and writing it far more convincingly than the MU episodes of DS9 ever felt. Super. Terrific. Twisty. Engaging. Rivetting. Awesome... I err.. liked it.
Date: 19 May 2015 21:47 Title: Serpents in the Grass
Ah, the old, familiar faces! You captured everyone just right here, especially as it pertains to the time period (being in the mid-2360s), everyone we know on DS9's side is younger, rawer, and Kira is the perfect vessel for that. The Bajoran Resistance could bring down the Federation -- just to bring the Cardassains! Man, that's a big play, but I hope they realize the Klingons would be much, much worse to be under. I anticipate this coming to a head before long; way to set up the stakes. :)
Author's Response: You got it exactly! The Bajorans are playing with some high stakes here and their plan is very much likely to blow up in their faces.

Date: 19 May 2015 12:14 Title: Serpents in the Grass
Ze plot, as we say, she thickens.
Events are unfolding differently enough to be interesting and similarly enough to be itchily uncomfortable.
Author's Response: Indeed she does! And more thickening to come! Thanks for the comment!
Date: 19 May 2015 11:55 Title: Serpents in the Grass
Your ability to perfectly capture the voice of any character you write astounds me. This is incredibly well done - better than the "real thing," even. And to balance that with such a deft handling of an alternate timeline and story, with all the moving pieces, and make it work in less than 500 words ... color me envious. Green with envy.
Author's Response: Aw thanks! Always means a lot, especially considering how envious I am of your own writing! Just hope the pay-off will work for everybody, may not be what you're all expecting... Now get back to making Icheb and Maren happy! :)
Date: 19 May 2015 11:37 Title: Serpents in the Grass
Looks as if the deck is truly stacked against this alliance, between the Bajoran resistance and the Klingons with their insider information, this deal already seems destined to fail. An interesting moral dilemma for the Federation as well, after all the Cardassians are the nicest guys to have as an ally.
Author's Response: Thanks CeJay! I definitely like to stack the deck! Then watch it all fall apart... *Emperor Palpatine like evil laugh* :)
Date: 19 May 2015 10:05 Title: Serpents in the Grass
*cue dramatic music* ... and another twist in the tale. I love the way each of these different scenes is linked by the structure of the opening sentence. Very clever.
Author's Response: Duh duh dum! So glad you noticed the opening sentence structure, didn't plan on it initially but after the second one I decided to go with it. Thanks for the comment!