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Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 May 2015 20:24 Title: Dana MacKenzie (February 12, 2380)

Wait, so in the original timeline, she's supposed to end up with her second cousin?

I didn't think anybody in the mirror universe was friendly...and how's she supposed to disavow the Terran Empire when she looks distinctly Terran? I find myself wondering what happens to her. When Daniels beams out does he fix the whole timeline, which would put her back in the original history, or does she end up living there and disavowing everything? My guess would be that that depends on whether Daniels is successful in his beam out or if he ends up trying again, for the fifth time. And that, then begs the question of what happened to the first three?

Seems he's messing about more and more. Might be overstepping a bit before long, if he's not careful. 'Twill be interesting to see.

Author's Response:

I'm currently writing what happens - and have him dealing with this a good dozen times before he finally gets it right. Lots of ugly, weird little details to resolve, plus an arcane law on the books forbidding second cousin marriages throws another spanner in the works.

The changes in time - some are more acceptable than others. For this one, the problems are already there and need to be fixed, so there's more leeway.

And as for the MU, the way I write my Lafa System, they look rather human (Dana could cover her arms and hide pretty effectively, so long as she wasn't required to do anything requiring dream telepathy) and are rebels, sort of like Astérix.

Reviewer: Zilley Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 May 2015 12:51 Title: Dana MacKenzie (February 12, 2380)

Foiled again! And I get that Bond vibe too. Very cool.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 May 2015 15:47 Title: Dana MacKenzie (February 12, 2380)

Frick! Certainly feels punchy and short but sort of like those Saturday morning action reels. Straight into the thick of it and end on a cliffhanger. Again, Daniels is cold and aloof and a stranger. A stranger even to himself maybe. Certainly, a stranger to the normal conventions but then his life is beyond normal conventions. When you think in terms of failures being do overs to be attempted again then it is going to lend you a very skewed perspective on things.

Author's Response:

I figure he has got to be seriously messed up much of the time. He needs an anchor! But that might take a while ....

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 May 2015 15:44 Title: Dana MacKenzie (February 12, 2380)

Yesh. Temporal jumps aren't good for anyone's love life, especially someone who regularly sees what Daniels does. Here he gets on with Dana (at least once? I feel like he implied a few more times with the number of attempts he'd made before), and then leaves her to try again.

Daniels, at least leave a number, yeah?

Author's Response:

Yeah, he does hook up with her otherwise - I'm currently settling this in my head but he does meet her in a few iterations, sometimes an engagement is broken off or the like when they hook up.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 May 2015 12:35 Title: Dana MacKenzie (February 12, 2380)

Damn, Daniels, you really did step in it.  Poor Dana!

Here's hoping that the fifth time will be the charm. 

Author's Response:

I'm writing it in my miniscule free time - he gets to thirteen tries (they won't be in the ficlets) before finally getting her back to where she's supposed to be.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 May 2015 12:22 Title: Dana MacKenzie (February 12, 2380)

Daniels is pretty cold at times, isn't he? Quite James Bond: kiss the girl and then abandon her to crash on a planet. I loved the idea of the weapon to open a portal to the mirror and the way you described the change of scenery. Interested to see where this goes next!

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks! Dana will be okay (I think). He is definitely meant to be like Bond. I'm glad you picked up on that.

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