Date: 20 May 2015 17:28 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
No in seriousness, it really did surprise me. It literally made me draw breath and gasp. That's just fucking with us Joel. Honest to goodness, fucking with us.
But super twisty and adds whole new frakked up scenarios to this situation. And apart from that, it really is a case of it being in-character for Sisko, who has shown when pushed can go to extreme lengths (The Maquis and Eddington for example) and loves Jake so much (the entire series).
Date: 19 May 2015 09:55 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
I agree with the others - Spock and Janeway together is an awesome combination! You captured them both nicely. I like that this is the beginning of a new adventure, but also a reminder of missions past.
Author's Response: Thanks Zilley! Glad you enjoyed it, and hope you'll like what I do with Sisko and Janeway going forward.
Date: 17 May 2015 21:37 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
Oh that were good. That were right good that.
I loved it Captain Sarine. The possibilities, the broad strokes used to imply so much and so effectively and with such economy. Realyl well done. I was always fascinated the most by Janeway and her friendship with Tuvok. I think that perhaps lends to the glee with which I read a Janeway/Spock pair up. I think it could be marvellous and rich and doubly so in such a setting.
I like too that it has very much DS9 shades of grey and lingering threat underneath the premise and given how Spock and Janeway have in the canon interfered before for the sake of the Federation only to have it blow back in their face some (Spock - TUC making peace with the Klingons, failing to stop Romulus getting blown up and spinning back to a different timeline, Romulan Unity and the attempted coup of Vulcan) (Janeway and the Borg, the Q, etc). Together, who knows if their choices and actions will prove better or worse.
Intrigued and hooked on this. Eagerly looking forwards to more.
Author's Response: Thanks MF! Always great to see one of your reviews! I'm glad that Janeway/Spock worked for you, though we may see less of them interacting than some of you are expecting... :D I definitely wanted to imbue this with some of those DS9 shades, so cool that that came across.
Date: 17 May 2015 21:11 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
Off to a most intriguing start here. In this time line the Federation can use whatever help it can get in order to avoid being wiped out. Very interesting too to see familiar characters thrown into unfamiliar roles. Eager to find out if this mission will lead to victory or merely accelerate ultimate defeat.
Author's Response: Thanks CeJay! Yep, as the Prime timeline showed in the Dominion War, difficult times make for strange alliances sometimes. I'm glad you liked what I did with the familiar characters. As to the eventual resolution... I's got plans! Lots of plans! :)
Date: 17 May 2015 19:53 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
I admire the hell out of how you spin alternate timelines, and this one's shaping up to be absolutely fascinating, to use an overused phrase. I loved seeing Janeway interacting with Spock and how, in just five hundred words, you gave us enough to start sketching in details for ourselves.
Author's Response: Thanks SL! I don't know why alternate timelines always speak to me, but they do. Just that idea of the road not taken, I guess, and how these alternates still tell us a lot about the characters we all know and love. I'm glad the 500 words worked to draw enough of a picture, I'm in awe of what you do with description in your ficlets so means a lot!

Date: 17 May 2015 16:03 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
Oh, nice! This is a great timeline, one that has had too little devoted to it over the years since it came to be. I've always wondered what would hvae happened if the timeline hadn't been reset, and now we get to find out. Seeing Spock here is a nice, familiar face (as well as a younger Janeway -- who is certainly not a scientist in this timeline), but he's got to carry around a lot of guilt for the events that have transpired.
"Let history never forget the name ... Enterprise." Looking forward to more of this for sure. :)
Author's Response: Glad you like it. I've often wondered as well and then a post on trekbbs sparked some ideas. Hope you like where it goes next!
Date: 17 May 2015 13:59 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
OMG, I am fangirling so hard over here. Spock and Janeway in the hands of one of my favorite authors?! I've no doubt this is going to be an epic ride. Your characterization of Spock is first rate. I can't wait to see more of Janeway. And to see the two of them interacting? Squee!
Author's Response: Aw, thanks! I hope it will live up those expectations!!
Date: 17 May 2015 13:59 Title: Unlikely Bedfellows
This is one interesting mix of characters - you never think of them together. Can't wait to see where you go with this!
Author's Response: Thanks! Hope it will be worth the wait!