Date: 04 Jan 2015 17:24 Title: Wendy
You write Daniels sleeping around the timeline quite a bit, but nice to see he cares somewhat for the consequences. (Unless, of course he plans to go sleep with Wendy, too. Yes, I went there.)
Author's Response:
Ha - he's actually not allowed to return to the MU during Hoshi's lifetime. It's a condition of allowing Jun to live.
Date: 01 Jan 2015 20:12 Title: Wendy
Didn't explain it right - I knew who Jun was, and his background and history, but didn't understand the reference at the end to the name 'Wendy' - literally. ;-)
Author's Response:
Oh - it's that she's Jun's wife. Up until that moment, Rick has no idea who his daughter-in-law is. He has to send Tom on a mission to get that information.

Date: 21 Dec 2014 20:18 Title: Wendy
So let see what drabble joy you have for us this time Jespah.
Well it seem Daniels can’t keep away from his Mirror family, to see an harsh Emperor soften for his daughter name Wendy.
Nicely done.
Author's Response:
Oh, thank you! :)